[Passion to Purpose] Meet Warrick F. Scott Sr., CEO of the Wendell Scott Foundation

Warrick F. Scott Sr., CEO The Wendell Scott Foundation Photo Credit: Von Wellington & VaBespoke

Name: Warrick F. Scott Sr.

Profession: Executive, Motivational Speaker, Philanthropist

Age: 38

Founded in honor of Wendell Oliver Scott, Sr. The Wendell Scott Foundation is preserving the legacy of NASCAR’s first African American race car driver in NASCAR and the first African American to win a race in the Grand National Series, NASCAR’s highest level. Defying the odds in the Jim Crow south, Wendell Scott had a goal and a drive and determination to accomplish that goal despite all of the challenges laid out in front of him.

Warrick F. Scott Sr., CEO and founder of the Wendell Scott Foundation, is passionate about making sure that his grandfather’s legacy continues on and is never forgotten. Established to provide intensive youth services, including mentoring, job-skill training and other supportive services that rely on applications of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), the Wendell Scott Foundation is reaching at-risk, under-served youths between the ages of 8-18 years of age.

Growing up in a household where both parents were school teachers, Scott learned early on that a great support system is critical for success.

“They were both a reliable source of nurturing for all the students they came in contact with,” Scott tells BE Modern Man. “My grandparents were the same way in our community, and that provided me with the initial ingredients that I used to make a difference.”

Scott feels that his work in the community is something that he was born to do. An innate feeling that is hard for him to describe in words but better lived through his actions.

He says, “I would compare it to my grandfather’s love of driving a race car. There was nothing anyone could do to discourage him, and at some point you realize that you have been blessed by God to have a particular gift. We all have these gifts, but I believe you have to listen to yourself closely to discover it.”

Fighting for youth surrounded by toxic stresses that drive their decision-making ability, Scott believes that if not properly encouraged they can easily drift away into a society that still overwhelmingly has the deck stacked against them.

“I am admittedly consumed with improving these odds. That consumption is how I know this is what I’m meant to do.”

Improving these odds is an ongoing task and establishing the Wendell Scott Foundation has been one of the most difficult undertakings of Scott’s life.

“Like my grandfather I started without any financial support,” Scott tells BE Modern Man. It required the blessing and support of my wife because in order for us to be successful it required us to alter every aspect of lives.”

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Warrick F. Scott Sr., CEO The Wendell Scott Foundation. Photo Credit: Von Wellington & VaBespoke

With his wife standing by his side and a passion to improve lives, not even the back room politics that are associated with children that are ‘at-risk’ could stop Scott from moving forward.

“I am intentional with how we go about our business and I embrace the pressure of funding our programs,” says Scott. “I have found that most people veer away from that level of sweat equity. We leveraged one opportunity into another, and when we got a chance to work with students we put our all into it every time. We knew that we would be introducing students and teachers alike to a legacy so powerful that by being exposed to it could very well provide the spark to change lives.”

Drawing inspiration from his wife, children and the accomplishments of his legendary grandfather, Scott feels that it is imperative that BE Modern Men are represented for youth to see that anything is possible.

“For me it’s important because we are literally talking about the future of this nation; our youth. In most cases the people that make the decisions effecting our youth do not reflect the community they come from.”

Making tremendous strides to be in the room where decisions were being made was something Scott knew he had to do. It is still an uphill climb, but progress is being made.

“Two key areas of focus are our Behavioral Health Mentoring and STEM education programs, which helps prepare children for key careers that exist in the world today. Wendell Scott was an engineer without the benefit of a formal education, so there is always a story in between the lines for the youth to grab on to. Our youth are brilliant and my life’s work is dedicated to having sustainable opportunities for them to matriculate to.”

Exposure can change things and Scott is extremely proud of StoryCorps, releasing an animated short film called Driven, which depicts his grandfather Wendell Scott’s racing story.

“My grandfather used to say, ‘If it’s too tough for everyone else, then it’s just right for me.’ I look at my grandfather as a pioneering BE Modern Man

, and it means a great deal to me that I am included in such an elite group. Although this story is about my work, I do nothing by myself or by myself. I want to offer a sincere thank you to the members of the Wendell Scott Foundation. Acknowledgements like this mean that they are being recognized as well.”

The BlackEnterprise.com team salutes Warrick F. Scott for keeping the legacy of such an important figure in African American history alive. We want to encourage the Black Enterprise audience to learn about the history of the Wendell Scott Foundation by following them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see the impact they are making.

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Pic Title/Alt text: BE Modern Man Spotlight – Passion to Purpose – Warrick F. Scott Sr.

Pic Caption: Warrick F. Scott Sr., CEO The Wendell Scott Foundation Photo Credit: Von Wellington & VaBespoke

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