Our Perspective: Beating the Culture of Impossible – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Our Perspective: Beating the Culture of Impossible

Through the advancement of the Internet, publishing a book has gone from being one of the hardest endeavors to a fairly simple one. Now it’s publishing a successful book that is the challenge. Every writer is an entrepreneur. Whether you get your book published through an agent who went to a major publishing company or you decide to self-publish, you are your own boss. You’re the one who decides whether to try your luck with publishers or whether the hands-on approach is the best route. Either way, you control your destiny. I chose self-publishing because it allowed me greater creative freedom and better stability in the long run. I do the majority of the legwork, including marketing and promoting through websites, blogs, and web reviews. But the return is that the majority of the profit goes directly to me. I created a blog, a journal, and I’m currently in the process of building a video blog that will capture a day-to-day account of my journey. Once my editing is complete, I’ll place my work on Amazon and continue to publish more books.

Ever wonder why most people love athletes and celebrities? In my opinion, it’s not only because they’re rich and beautiful, it’s because we see in them what we once saw in ourselves. They are the personification of impossible. So here’s the not-so-secret secret—so are you! You know what separates you from any successful person? The unwavering desire to never give up. We’re  simply looking at people who are following their dreams while we sit and watch. Yes, some are born with amazing physical abilities and natural talents that put them ahead of the curve, but does that take away your access to the environment they’re in? You can’t shoot, but you can learn the game and be a broadcaster, coach, or agent. Hell, be a sports attorney. Too fat to be a model? How about you become a stylist or fashionista to the stars? Can’t act? Then direct, write. Why deny yourself what you love?

I can hear the excuses forming in your mind right now as we speak. Yes, I know you’ve made mistakes and that bills have to be paid. But guess what? Bills are going to be there when you’re a success, as well. Think about how many things you’ve wasted time on. You have the ability to devote the rest of your time to achieving what you want. Make no mistake—I’m not saying we should all be celebrities and athletes. That’s bogus. I’m simply saying chase your dream. Success is accomplishing any goal you set forth. If your goal is to sweep floors and you become a janitor, then you’ve made it in life and there’s no one that can tell you different. If your dream is to be a doctor, teacher, entrepreneur, author, activist, cop—do it. Because it’s within your reach. In my opinion, all of these things are feasible. Take a year, carve out a plan, take action.

You know what? I could delve a bit deeper and say that you already are a success. Just think about where you came from and how hard you’ve worked to get where you are. If the odds were against you and you’re still standing, one might say that you have been successful.

Don’t let the culture of impossibility kill your dreams. Don’t let it kill your potential. I’m writing this for myself, not just for you. I fear failure just like you. But what I hate more than failing is that sickening feeling of not trying because of fear. I hold on to that bitter feeling because that feeling trumps the fear I feel in the moment of chasing my dream. So look around you. Look at this “real world.” Then take your fingers, rip the sky, and strip away at it until you find the world you lost as a child.

I channeled my knack for writing and my odd imagination into a fantasy novel that I’m looking to publish in the very near future. And when it’s all said and done, I’ll end up dusting off that degree after all.

Why don’t you give it a shot? After all, nothing is impossible.


Cedric Banton is a freelance writer and contributing blogger. He is also the author of the upcoming fantasy trilogy “End of the Immortal”. Click here to read more of his work.
