One Year Later: Why My First Vote Won’t Be My Last – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
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One Year Later: Why My First Vote Won’t Be My Last

Me at the polls on Nov. 4, 2008
Me at the polls on Nov. 4, 2008

So, I’m voting today because I am so invested in improving the world around me that I’m willing to exhaust all the options I have to do so. And the political process is obviously a reliable way to do so since people gave their lives just to be heard.

I know that some candidates in elections today, including New Jersey Governor John Corzine and New York City Mayoral Candidate Bill Thompson, are running on a message that basically states that if I voted for Obama’s agenda in 2008, I must vote for those who will execute that agenda on the local level in 2009. To me, who Obama chooses to support holds more weight than who attaches themselves to his name. In a way I think its kind of a cop out because he’s the president of the entire country; theoretically, anyone can say they support him because they don’t have a choice at this point. I would be more impressed if they shadowed Obama in the way that they choose to operate in office.

For the record, I don’t stan (stalker-fan) for Obama just ’cause its the cool thing to do or because he’s attractive or because he’s black. I stand for Obama because he’s one of the very few politicians that is willing to be transparent, something we rarely see in politics. He sets the standard for the type of politicians we need to see more often. Even if he turns out to be wrong about everything, he’s truthful and willing to take responsibility. If Corzine is legitimately trying to co-sign Obama, I hope he’s taking notes.

One year ago today, I voted for Barack Hussein Obama. For the first time, I was able to be a part of the change I wanted to see. It was my first time voting, my first time participating in a system that I once believed did not work in my favor.

Christine L. Edmond is a Spelman College student and a daughter of Editor-in-Chief Alfred A. Edmond Jr.

Check out our poll on the historic meaning of President Barack Obama’s election. Give your opinion here.

Related Reading

Obama’s First 100 Days: A Look at the Historic Presidency of Barack H. Obama

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In Our Lifetime —- Nov. 15, 2008

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