7 Deadly Sins of Office Fashion

This week, we start our 7 Deadly Sins series, where we cover top mistakes, blunders and snafus of the office, from fashion to communication to management. Follow our series to ensure you don't make the same mistakes, and find ways to correct yourself if you have. Office ethics and fashion choices can be tricky topics on their own. Put them together and it can easily create a major problem. Dressing for the office doesn’t have to be all work and no play. The key is finding that balance, and making sure that you’re sending the right message. “Overall, one should really be concerned with how they present themselves and how they represent the brand, meaning whoever you work for,” says Shawn Outler, a Macy’s vice president. BlackEnterprise.com spoke further with Outler to get insight on the top office attire vices and how not to commit professional style offenses. ---Dominique Hobdy

This week, we start our 7 Deadly Sins series, where we cover top mistakes, blunders and snafus of the office, from fashion to communication to management. Follow our series to ensure you don't make the same mistakes, and find ways to correct yourself if you have. Office ethics and fashion choices can be tricky topics on their own. Put them together and it can easily create a major problem. Dressing for the office doesn’t have to be all work and no play. The key is finding that balance, and making sure that you’re sending the right message. “Overall, one should really be concerned with how they present themselves and how they represent the brand, meaning whoever you work for,” says Shawn Outler, a Macy’s vice president. BlackEnterprise.com spoke further with Outler to get insight on the top office attire vices and how not to commit professional style offenses. ---Dominique Hobdymore
(Image: Thinkstock)
GLUTTONY: Thou shall not embrace sloppiness by wearing ill-fitting clothing. Closely related to the first deadly sin, make sure that your clothing fits properly. Outler advises against showing midriff areas, chest or simply too much skin or wearing clothes that fall off, or are too baggy. Making a trip to a tailor or going one size up will oftentimes do the trick for a polished, comfortable look.more
GREED: Thou shall not overindulge in the accessories department. The workplace is not the setting for anything that is distracting and that takes the attention off of the task at hand. Too much jingle will do just that. “It takes the focus away from what your communicating with your mouth vs. the noise that you're making on your body,” says Outler. Keep accessories at a minimum and keep it classy.more
SLOTH: Thou shall not be lazy with maintaining your clothing and overall look. It can be expensive to keep up with fashion trends, and in this economy it may be the last thing on your mind. But whether we like it or not, the clothes that we wear speak for us before we say anything. You want your work attire to scream, “Professional, Clean, and Well Put-Together,” not "Wrinkled, Unorganized, and Trashy." Be cognizant of how you look, whatever your sense of style is, and keep in mind that discount and department stores including Target, H&M, and Macy's offer plenty of inexpensive options to freshen up a work wardrobe. Planning ahead might be a great idea too because you won't get caught rushing or without your power look if you laundry, dry clean and plan outfits ahead of time.more
(Image: Thinkstock)
ENVY: Thou shall not let your scent overshadow your presence. Good hygiene, especially in the workplace, is essential, and having a signature scent is a nice touch. But, being recognizable by an overwhelming perfume or cologne before and after you enter a room is not so good. Two sprays and a wrist dabble should be enough, Outler says. Try not to overdo it.more
(Image: Thinkstock)
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