October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 4 Ways to Get Involved

According to a recent statement released by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a leader in the fight against breast cancer, “breast cancer disparities for African American women are startling. In 2011 alone, breast cancer mortality was 44% higher for African American women in the U.S. than Caucasian women. And, African American women are often diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer when treatment options are limited, costly, and the prognosis is poor.”

With this in mind, breast cancer affects everyone–fighters, survivors, family, friends, and communities around the world.

[Related: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Research Lacking for Metastatic Breast Cancer]

The Avon Foundation for Women  has compiled 4 ways to get involved:

  • Get Active and Walk in an Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
    Get fit for the cause by joining the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer series. Join the two remaining 2013 walks in New York (October 20-21) and Charlotte (October 27-28). To register, donate or learn more, visit AvonWalk.org or call 1-888-541-WALK.
  • Learn About Early Detection and Reduce Your Risk
    Experts recommend that women get to know their bodies by conducting a breast self-exam or by participating in a screening test, as both can help detect cancer in its early stages. It’s important to report any breast changes to your medical provider right away, and talk to your doctor about your risk of breast cancer. Learn about early detection, screening, health tips and more, by visiting the Avon Foundation’s website.
  • Shop for the Cure with Avon Pink Products
    Shop guilt-free this October. The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade’s pink ribbon fundraising products donate 100% of net proceeds to the breast cancer cause. The latest addition is
    the Love Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Necklace available on Avon.com. The affordable pink ribbon collection features everything from jewelry, watches (a Fergie favorite) and even a pink holiday ornament.
  • Join the Avon/NCI/CAI Business Plan and Start-up Contest
    If you are a business, legal, medical/scientific, engineering and computer science student or an entrepreneur, listen up! The Avon Foundation for Women has partnered with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and The Center for Advancing Innovation to issue the first of its kind challenge in venture philanthropy. Designed to market emerging technologies for breast cancer inventions, the Start-up Challenge will offer teams of business, legal, medical/scientific, engineering and computer science students, as well as seasoned entrepreneurs around the world, the chance to win $5,000 and start-up funding which could range from $100K to over $1MM for the development of new breast cancer therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, and prognostics; all from the NCI intramural program and Avon Foundation-funded university labs.

Read more ways to get involved: Avon Foundation

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