Oberlin College – Black Enterprise

Oberlin College


Mailing Address: 101 North Professor Street, Oberlin, Ohio 44074

Rank on 2008 List: 28

Rank on 2006 List: 29

Average GPA: 3.58

Matriculation Rate for African American students: 30%

Matriculation Rate for Rest of Students: 34%

Number of Students Enrolled: 2,744

Number of African American Students Enrolled: 150

Number of Applications: 5,793

Acceptance Rates: 35%

Average SAT scores: Reading: 701; Math-674; Writing-691

Black Student Groups: Abusua, African Students Association, Agape Fellowship, And What!? (Hip-Hop dance group), Dance Diaspora, Eclipse, Essence, In Solidarity, NOMMO (African student literary and news publication), Oberlin Black Science Student Organization, Oberlin Conservatory Black Musician’s Guild, Oberlin Muslim Students Association, Students of Caribbean Ancestry, Sisters of the Yam, Voices for Christ

Name of Summer Programs: NONE

Application Deadlines: Jan 15

Early Admissions Deadlines: Early decision I: Nov 15 and Early decision II: Jan 2

Start Sending Acceptance Letters: Early decision applicants will be notified within a month of applying, regular decision applicants will be notified by April 1

Financial Aid Deadlines: Feb. 15 and March 1

Costs: Tuition: $38,280; Housing:$5,150; Books: $830

Greek Organizations: None

Q & A with Debra Chermonte, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

What kind of students does Oberlin attract?

Oberlin attracts students who are intellectually curious, passionate about learning, interested in trying new things, and committed to making a difference in the world. Our students take what they learn in the classroom, combine it with what they learn from their extracurricular experiences, and ultimately work to solve problems that will help people in need.

What do students need to have on their application to stand out?

Students should perform well in a rigorous series of classes in high school. They should be leaders in extracurricular activities or clubs, be good community members, and they should have a solid understanding of why they want to attend Oberlin.

What does Oberlin do to attract minority students?

Oberlin offers three fly-in programs for students of color each fall, three fly-in programs for admitted students of color in the spring, on-line chats, and personal contact from admissions counselors and current Oberlin students through the application process.

Why should students attend Oberlin?

As the first college to make interracial education central to its mission, Oberlin provides students with the opportunity to use their education to make a real difference in the world. Our students work with top notch faculty to study contemporary issues, to learn how to think critically about problems, and to design projects that will help communities around the world.
