Obama’s Win: Newspapers React – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Obama’s Win: Newspapers React

hasn’t been tested in the way, say, of a veteran governor. All of this invites wariness about what he can accomplish, even more so in view of the formidable challenges, starting with the economy.

The Virginian-Pilot: On Election Day, voters chose “a new politics for a new time.” They sided with a candidate who speaks of moving beyond partisanship, of building a consensus to solve problems, rather than trying to consolidate political power to force through one political party’s solutions.

The Baltimore Sun: Mr. Obama proved to be a consummate candidate buoyed by a nearly flawless campaign, sparked by his early win in Iowa, a sobering loss in New Hampshire and an inspiring “Yes we can” exhortation. But now he must govern, and Americans, Republicans and Democrats, should join him in this journey.

Associated Press: As a lawmaker, he has displayed a knack for working with Republicans on a handful of favorite issues. But he has devoted most of his time in the Senate to running for president. Unlike the past seven presidents, he was never a governor or vice president. And unlike John F. Kennedy, the last senator to move directly to the presidency, Obama has not commanded troops in wartime.

The Des Moines (Iowa) Register: A collision course of history – an electorate hungry for change met by a compelling cadre of candidates – produced an epic campaign. And Obama’s inspiring message of hope and his call for bridging divides found a receptive audience at a time when more than 80 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. John McCain, an experienced senator with a proud record of bipartisanship, couldn’t sway voters as pessimism deepened about the economy.

Renita Burns is the editorial assistant at BlackEnterprise.com
