Obama Was the Best President Technology Could Have Ever Wanted – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
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Obama Was the Best President Technology Could Have Ever Wanted

Image: screenshot from NBCNews.com

He Just ‘Gets’ Tech
Obama also freely demonstrated his use of technology in his personal life to the public. We saw him snap selfies with heads of nations as readily as a teenager. Active on Twitter since 2007, he also tweeted as POTUS beginning in 2013. He recently created his personal Facebook page. To all except his staunchest critics–who find fault in anything the man does– his embrace of tech made him so relatable to an increasingly tech-hungry world.

Not to mention, he was the first U.S. President to conduct a completely virtual interview from the White House via a Google+ Hangout, and also does YouTube interviews. We love him for that.

When Ahmed Mohamed was treated as a criminal because of a science project he brought to school, Obama invited him to the White House. His example showed us that a brown-skinned child, engaging in curiosity about STEM should never, ever be treated like a criminal.

Obama gets technology and its importance–which was absolutely critical for bringing America out of recession and keeping us thriving and competitive. Woe is the United States if the next president doesn’t.
