North Carolina ‘Team Genius Squad’ Siblings Launch STEM Toy Line In Retail Stores

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Ava N. Simmons, known as the STEM Princess, and her sister Chynah Jeter have turned their love for science, technology, engineering, and math into a toy line now available in stores.

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In 2020, the young siblings and their parents started Team Genius Squad to combat Simmons’ difficulty reading due to dyslexia. To support her learning journey, the family created a YouTube channel that focused on STEM experiments, allowing her to write skits that helped improve many of her affected cognitive skills.

“The first Team Genius Squad STEM Experiment Kit was developed at our kitchen table with a roll of wire, alligator clips, and plastic pouches,” said Jeter.

“Ava developed the experiment and promotional material, and I developed the packaging and marketed the final product. It is a great synergy that works because we tailor our roles based on our inner strengths and gifts.”

According to BlackNews.com, the two girls have turned their successful venture into a toy line that includes coloring books, DIY slime, and experiment kits that make electricity from alternative sources. Their first in-store launch took place at Marbles PlayStore in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, and the young entrepreneurs plan to create an even bigger splash in the retail market over the next year.

“I am so grateful to be able to design and develop educational toys that positively impact the community,” said Simmons.

“My goal is to share my learning journey and, through purposeful play, encourage others never to let their challenges define their success or future. I am so thankful for everyone who supports Team Genius Squad!”

It won’t be their first venture into offering their supporters in-person experiences as the pair designed a STEM Mobile Lab that traveled the country sharing the joy of learning with children from underserved areas.

RELATED CONTENT: Retired Black Educator of 31 Years Introduces STEM Learning Cards For Pre-School Students

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