[Nominated] ‘The Passionate’, Reggie McCrimmon

  • Name: Reggie McCrimmon
  • Age: 24
  • Profession:  Director of Member Services & External Affairs – Congressional Black Caucus
  • Nominated By: Jetaune Randall-Slaughter – Aunt

This young man not only possesses great intelligence, but a sense of humility, passion and greatness among his peers. He demonstrates both the love and fear of God, which in turn, will benefit all those who encounter him. He is the reason people should vote because he invokes change and influence everywhere he goes. He is faithful, diligent in every undertaking. He is loved and appreciated by everyone. He cares for the well-being of others and will do everything in his ability to make good things happen. I’m proud of everything he is accomplished and I can prophetically say, the “best is yet to come” for him. 

  • Name: Reggie McCrimmon
  • Age: 24
  • Profession:  Director of Member Services & External Affairs – Congressional Black Caucus
  • Nominated By: Will Wiggins – Friend

Reggie McCrimmon is a young professional building a career in government and politics. He’s been all about achieving and charting new experiences. The Fayetteville, N.C. resident has had an eye for government. He often suggests to others that they “seek to gain valuable knowledge and experience about our government and how our political system works.” As a political science major, McCrimmon said he read about Washington all the life and wanted to work there.

Taking his own advice, now he does serving as the Director of Member Services and External Affairs for the 114th Congressional Black Caucus under the leadership of Chairman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01). The CBC is one of the largest Caucuses in the House of Representatives and the largest group of African-American lawmakers. While we all are passionate about serving others, Reggie thinks that as young professionals, our actions should speak louder than words.  “Decide where you fit in the equation, and be serious in your pursuit of experiences that bring quality skills, character & leadership to the table.” 

His mission is to work in environments where his passion for progress, my standard of excellence and desire for life-changing solutions align and he adds,  “I want to see firsthand how things operate and to bring value everyday in my contribution.” 


The Black Enterprise team  commends you Reggie for being a great example of a BE Modern Man!

Are you a #BEModernMan or do you know a  BE Modern Man that we should recognize? Send over your nomination here  and use #BEModernMan across your social media platforms for an opportunity to be recognized!

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