[Nominated] ‘The Passionate’, Reggie McCrimmon – Black Enterprise

[Nominated] ‘The Passionate’, Reggie McCrimmon

  • Name: Reggie McCrimmon
  • Age: 24
  • Profession:  Director of Member Services & External Affairs – Congressional Black Caucus
  • Nominated By: Jetaune Randall-Slaughter – Aunt

This young man not only possesses great intelligence, but a sense of humility, passion and greatness among his peers. He demonstrates both the love and fear of God, which in turn, will benefit all those who encounter him. He is the reason people should vote because he invokes change and influence everywhere he goes. He is faithful, diligent in every undertaking. He is loved and appreciated by everyone. He cares for the well-being of others and will do everything in his ability to make good things happen. I’m proud of everything he is accomplished and I can prophetically say, the “best is yet to come” for him. 
