NFL Player Marquise Goodwin Opts Out of NFL Season Over COVID-19 Concerns – Black Enterprise
COVID-19 Sports

NFL Player Marquise Goodwin Opts Out of NFL Season Over COVID-19 Concerns

Marquis Goodwin
(Image: Twitter)

An NFL player has decided to opt-out of the upcoming season due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic. Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Marquise Goodwin went live on YouTube on Tuesday to announce his decision to skip the upcoming football season, which he is doing to protect his wife and newborn daughter.

He revealed that in the past he decided to leave his wife to play football right after she gave birth; their premature baby boy died, and that tragic incident played a major role in his current decision.

“Three years ago, I made a decision that affected my whole life. I chose to leave my wife at the hospital after prematurely birthing our first baby boy (due to incompetent cervix) which resulted in a fatality, to play on a football game. I felt like I had to prove to my coaches and new team that I was dedicated to winning and I wouldn’t let anything keep me from the goal, not even my family.

“Onward to February 2019, our lives changed for the better, as we finally were blessed to bring home our first living child (rainbow baby). SHE is the reason I am opting out for this season. After choosing football many times, I feel I am inclined to make the right decision by finally choosing my family first.

“I know the NFL is trying implement safety protocols to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other professional sporting leagues, but I just can’t chance experiencing another loss because of my selfish decision making. It’s not something I’m willing to live with, so I’ve chosen to opt out of playing during the 2020 NFL season. I must protect my family, and this is the best way for me to do that.”

Goodwin went to Twitter yesterday to acknowledge that he’d gotten “many messages” from “concerned” “fans telling me how stupid I am and that this COVID-19 isn’t that serious.”
