New Attitude, New Generation

This issue signals the beginning of our 40th anniversary–and here, at Black Enterprise, we have a new attitude. Of course, we take great pride in our four decades of unmatched coverage of black business. The energy that crackles through each office and cubicle, however, comes from our renewed commitment to serve you, our audience, whether you’re getting the latest scoop from the magazine, our Website, a must-attend event, or an episode of one of our television shows, Black Enterprise Business Report or Our World with Black Enterprise.

On a daily basis, we receive a barrage of calls, letters, e-mails, and tweets about your challenges and aspirations. Over the past year, we addressed them as the nation stood at the edge of a financial cliff about to plunge into Depression 2.0. A collapsed housing market sent many homeowners reeling. Battered 401(k) portfolios led skittish investors to think of mattresses as safe havens. Tight credit forced hundreds of small business owners to close shop and brought others to the brink of failure. There was a bright spot though: Euphoria swept the nation with the election of a new president who vowed to usher in an era of change. During the tumult, our editors also made a pledge: to redouble our efforts to provide you with up-to-the-minute information that will help you to mine opportunities and navigate through crises.

Although the unemployment rate hovers above 10%–the worst level of joblessness in more than 25 years–other economic indicators show signs of a looming recovery. The global financial system is stabilizing. At press time, the Dow Jones industrial average was above 10,000. And consumers, although tepidly, are starting to regain a bit of confidence.

As the economy rebounds, we’re taking a more active role in your restoration and recovery. We’re emphasizing that mission by changing our tagline, the slogan on our cover, to “Wealth for Life.” It may seem like a simple step but it’s one of great significance. In every issue, regardless of your stage in life, we will arm you with comprehensive information and personal examples so you can

achieve your financial goals and boost your net worth. In fact, we’ve also revamped our Wealth for Life section so you will get clear, concise advice from the magazine’s most trusted source: our editors. To ensure you’re able to spot viable prospects in this tough job market, we’ve beefed up our Workplace section as well. Beginning with this issue, check out our monthly “Where the Jobs Are” series for an outlook on emerging industries, complete with insider tips on how to gain employment.

“We have the most knowledgeable editorial teams when it comes to business, personal finance, and career development. We want our audience to take full advantage of their expertise,” says Editor-in-Chief Derek T. Dingle. “So we have extended our commitment to reader service. We will help you develop and execute a game plan to capture your slice of the American Dream.”

Our editors also take great pride in their talent for spotting rising stars. In this issue, we identify a new generation of young, bold transformers and, in the process, give birth to what we expect to be an enduring franchise: BE Next. This exclusive group of corporate professionals and entrepreneurs, ages 21 to 35, seeks to change domestic and global commerce as they assume the mantle of business leadership. As part of our cover package, “BE Next: The Next Generation of Risk-Takers & Dealmakers,” you’ll follow stories of some extraordinary entrepreneurs: Jamail Larkins, the 25-year-old founder of Ascension Aircraft, a $8.4 million aircraft management services firm; Nakia Stith, the 31-year-old CEO of Top of the Clock Inc., a Philadelphia-based security firm that grossed $4.6 million; Natasha Eubanks, creator of Young, Black & Fabulous L.L.C., a $1 million entertainment blogsite; and Darnell Henderson, the 31-year-old founder of H.I.M-istry skincare line that retails at Macy’s and produced nearly $1 million in revenues in 2009.

Although they’ve made great strides, they also share the challenges they’ve had to overcome. “You’re a 20-year-old kid in their eyes, coming in and saying, ‘I need a loan for $1 million, $2 million,’” asserts Larkins. “And [then I tell them], ‘I’ve been in the industry for the past eight years and here are my past financials. Here are some of the previous transactions that we’ve done. Here are some of our clients. And here’s what we do.’ Then they start to take you a little [more] seriously.”

We have the same excitement about launching our new franchise as well. Small Business Editor Tennille M. Robinson, 27, led the creation of this issue’s editorial package and is involved in the development of franchise extensions that will appear regularly on our digital, broadcast, and event platforms. BE Next represents a company-wide collaboration; the awesome cover shoot featuring

Larkins, Stith, Eubanks, and Henderson was indicative of our collaborative spirit. Senior Photo Editor Lonnie Major and Graphic Designer Todd Chapman constructed the set–a bold, metallic replica of the BE Next logo. Renita Burns, editorial assistant for Interactive, tweeted all aspects of the shoot, complete with photos. Broadcast Director

Genevieve Michel-Bryan directed Editorial Assistant LaToya Smith as she gave a behind-the-scenes video report on the making of the cover–view it on BlackEnteprise.com. The team also got support from several young business leaders who have previously appeared in the magazine: shoes were provided by Shawn and Shane Ward of DETNY, who graced our January 2007 cover; and Samanta Shoes, from our August 2007 cover package, “Best of Everything,” while the wardrobe was supplied by Wildchild Nation, featured in the November 2009 article, “Ready, Set, Grow.”

What’s next for BE Next? Look for a series of magazine features highlighting BE Nexters in an array of fields. There will also be coverage on our television shows; sessions at our Women of Power Summit, Feb. 10—13 in La Quinta, California, and Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo, May 16—19 in Atlanta; plus exclusive videos, blogs, updates, and an open call for submissions on our Website so you can identify dynamic, young achievers.

So whether we’re helping you rebalance your investment portfolio, find a new career, launch a dream business, or learn from the example of others, be will continue to deliver the highest quality how-to information in the media platform most accessible to you. That’s the new attitude we’re bringing to you.

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