Navy Secretary to Propose Doubling Maternity Leave – Black Enterprise

Navy Secretary to Propose Doubling Maternity Leave

(Image: File)

According to reports, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus believes it’s time for the military branch to become more family friendly, and in an effort to retain the Navy’s most talented women, he’s prepared to reveal a proposal, calling for the amount of paid maternity leave, for Sailors and Marines, to double to 12 weeks, according to .

If Congress agrees to extended leave, it would ultimately be extended to members of all military branches. A Navy official, who spoke to the The Florida Times on condition of anonymity, said the cost of Mabus’ plan wasn’t made completely clear but Navy officials agree that it is a wise investment due to low retention rates of women in the early part of their careers.

Mabus is requesting as many as 400 slots available for people to take up to three years off from service before returning to duty. Those who are part of the program would be expected to provide two years of service for each year they take off. His  proposal would also include extended daytime and nighttime hours  for childcare, and time for members to step away from service to raise a family.

Read more at USA Today …

