Mother-Son Duo Graduate Together With Bachelors Degrees From University of Maryland Global Campus – Black Enterprise

Mother-Son Duo Graduate Together With Bachelors Degrees From University of Maryland Global Campus

Carolyn and Immanuel Patton hold their diplomas
Screenshot via YouTube/Good Morning America

It’s one feeling to cross the commencement stage alone, but imagine sharing the moment with a loved one.

Mother and son Carolyn and Immanuel Patton graduated with bachelor’s degrees from the University of Maryland Global Campus. They walked the stage side-by-side during their Dec. 16 commencement ceremony.

According to ABC News, their achievement fulfilled a promise Immanuel made to Carolyn when he was five years old.

“I remember I just told my mom … one day, it’s gonna be you and me. We’re going to get our degrees at the same time,” Immanuel Patton, 23, said.

“That promise … he never allowed it to die,” said Carolyn, 63, a coordinator at Anne Arundel Community College. “It was continuously, ‘You know, mom, we’re gonna do this.’”

“I had started my bachelor’s degree back in 1995, but life happened. Things got in the way,” she shared, recalling her primary focus to ensure her son completed college.

Already attaining two associate’s degrees each, the Pattons began their bachelor’s programs at UMGC in the fall of 2020.

Throughout their studies, the duo kept each other motivated to keep going when it became difficult to continue.

“I know you want to stop. We got to keep going,’” Immanuel said. “The main thing was just trying to get everything lined up and stay on top of her as well [as] stay on top of myself.”

“I’m so happy that we went that route because right now, look at us, we both have our bachelor’s degrees,” Carolyn said.

Carolyn graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, while Immanuel Patton completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety Administration.

“We are inspired by Immanuel’s commitment to support his mother — and for him to make that pledge at such a young age is truly remarkable. That we have helped him fulfill his childhood promise to Carolyn makes us all extremely proud,” UMGC President Gregory Fowler said in a statement.

“They were able to lift each other up at critical times during their journey. At UMGC we know that each learner may have different needs or start from different places—as exemplified by Immanuel and Carolyn—and our promise to all is that we will meet them where they are and support them as they transform their lives and the lives of those they love,” he added.
