Mother Goes Viral After She Pulled Up on Daughter on Roblox, Told Her To Sit ‘Lasagna Out’ – Black Enterprise
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Mother Goes Viral After She Pulled Up on Daughter on Roblox, Told Her To Sit ‘Lasagna Out’

ChaCha Watson and her daughter Miracle; Roblox screenshot
(Image: ChaCha Watson and her daughter Miracle/Facebook/ChaCha Watson)

This mother may have just given parents permission to pop up on their kids on Roblox.

Comedian and Chicago mom ChaCha Watson recently went viral after posting her strategy for contacting her 11-year-old daughter, Miracle, when she doesn’t answer her phone when she’s on Roblox.

According to Today, since the game logs you out if you answer a phone call, Watson said she had to meet her daughter in the game to tell her to take the lasagna and garlic bread out of the freezer to thaw it out before she cooks.

Watson shared screenshots of her gesture on Facebook, where her antics went viral.

“She just so happens to be in the beginning stage when you first pop up on the game. So when I popped up, she was just so happened to pull up,” she said, adding that she hopped in a car with her daughter’s avatar. “And I said, ‘You see me calling you!’ and then she was like, ‘I’m sorry mom.'”

Although the comedian’s intentions were not to go viral posting the Roblox screenshots, social media users were very entertained by her parenting technique, and some started to steal her joke.

“I was like, ‘People got to see what I go through to get in touch with my child,'” she said.

Watson shared that she plays the game with her daughter and younger family members as part of their bonding time.

“Being a single parent, you just want to make sure that you’re spending time with your kids. That’s really important to me — to make sure I’m spending quality time with her. So I downloaded Roblox and …that was just one of the best things ever.”

Roblox is a large online gaming platform where users can connect and create their own immersive experiences in other games inside the program.
