#MotivationMonday: 5 Ways to Maximize Your Morning Commute

(Image: iStock.com/Patrick Heagney)

Some people have it all wrong in thinking that the worst aspect of returning to work on a Monday is the actual work itself. No, it’s not the work that we dread; it’s getting to the work place that has us already cringing at the start of the week.

Commuting to work in a place like New York City can take an average of about 27 minutes–one way. This is nearly half an hour of walking, bussing, and cramming into trains with the inevitable intrusion of elbows, neighbor sweat, bags to the head, crying babies, unsolicited performances, rudely audible conversations, pole hoggers, manspreaders, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

Believe it or not, even with all of that, it doesn’t have to be so bad. Your commute can be of great benefit to you, if that time is used wisely.

Below are a few ways to maximize on your mornings:

1. Meditate

Tune out to tune in. Take 10 minutes of your commute time to silence it all, pay attention to your breathing, and clear your internal space. Allow yourself to embrace the fact that it will be a great and productive day, as long as you remain centered, present, and open to possibility.

2. Read

Reading is an awesome way to get your creative juices flowing first thing in the morning, not to mention, it’s great at passing the time. Find interesting articles or a good book and dive in. Before you know it, you’ll be at your destination, and you won’t even have noticed any of the inner-train chaos that ensued on your way there.

3. Prep Emails

Though your Internet access may be limited on your commute, you can always prep your emails using any notepad program on your mobile device. This way, by the time you enter the office, you’ve already gotten a head start.

4. Make a Task List

Write down exactly what you plan to accomplish that day. You’d be surprised by the initiative that comes from simply writing tasks down. This starts your day focused and ambitious. Also, completing the task of writing out your tasks already sets the tone for conquering your work day.

5. Woo-sah

Relax, close your eyes, and use that morning time to just be. Distractions will always be there, but your job is to remain Zen through it all. What better time to get your practice in than during the most chaotic time of your day?

In taking on your commute, a little can really go a long way. Use that time wisely now, and you’ll thank yourself later.

What do you do to avoid losing your mind during your commute? Do share in the comments!

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