Morgan State University President Offers Amanda Gorman Job as Poet-In-Residence – Black Enterprise

Morgan State University President Offers Amanda Gorman Job as Poet-In-Residence

Amanda Gorman
(Image: Twitter)

This is a fast-paced world where things can change within 24 hours. Not even a full day after the  22-year-old inaugural poet Amanda Gorman swayed crowds with the beautiful poem, “The Hill We Climb,” that she performed during the ceremony honoring newly elected President Joe Biden, she has gotten several good pieces of news.

BLACK ENTERPRISE reported that the poet is celebrating another victory with two of her books topping Amazon’s bestsellers list. Gorman shared on her Twitter page that her books claimed both top spots on the list just a day after her poem received acclaim from politicians, including former President Barack Obama.

And now, according to The Baltimore Sun, Gorman has been offered a job!

Morgan State University President David Wilson tweeted this message to the 22-year-old poet.

“I was glued to the TV as I was watching her,” Wilson told the Baltimore Sun.

“I’m very serious about opening an opportunity for her to come here as a poet in residence. We have all kinds of authors on campus, and we think that being at Morgan for a year would give her an even deeper and wider perspective on the issues she is addressing. If she would accept this offer, I would move on it in a heartbeat.”

The poet is riding high on the praises she has been receiving from just about everyone who witnessed her performance at Biden’s Inauguration.
