Morgan Stanley Shows Its Commitment to Helping Entrepreneurs Move Their Business Forward

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As a global leader in helping governments, institutions and individuals build wealth, Morgan Stanley is committed to providing the tools and resources needed for entrepreneurs to elevate their business.

This week, in Bethesda, Maryland, the financial services firm held their Business FORWARD: Innovate and Connect event where business owners engaged with Morgan Stanley business leaders and partners to gain knowledge on how they can take their business to greater heights.

With opening remarks from Robert Meredith, executive director, central Maryland complex manager for Morgan Stanley; attendees enjoyed a day full of networking and insightful sessions on how to survive the ups and downs of the stock market, how to gain funding for their business, how to protect themselves from fiduciary liabilities, and more.

Eva Vitale from Goldman Sachs Asset Management offered tips on messaging and branding your business, and advised business owners to have a clear and consistent message so that they’re able to communicate their brand effectively. David Chorba from Delaware Investments spoke on the value of social media and stressed the importance of using

LinkedIn to leverage their company by promoting their business and services on the site, joining professional groups, and using the social networking site to connect with prospective clients. He suggested having a daily “coffee with LinkedIn” session where professionals allot 15 minutes of their day to check their online profile and send out five new contacts.

Following Chorba’s remarks was Morgan Stanley Executive Kevin Pasha, who spoke on the power of elevating your business with millennials in mind. He offered the following three solid tips for attracting and retaining young talent: getting connected on social media, diversifying your organization and clearly stating the “why” for your business, as millennials want to work for a company that has passion.

Taking a break from the business and financial advice sessions, Performance Coach Dr. Heidi Hanna held a midday discussion on “5 Shifts to Recharge Your Life.” In an effort to help the room full of leading business executives and business owners maximize their energy levels during the work day. Hanna advised turning off technology before going to bed, getting close to eight hours of sleep every night, reading something inspirational in the morning, writing down three things daily that you’re grateful for, and meditating or praying.

Morgan Stanley’s Managing Director Harold E. Ford, Jr. served as the event’s keynote speaker and offered remarks on the political landscape of Washington, D.C. Serving as a former U.S. Congressman for Tennessee, Ford spoke about the 2016 presidential candidates, his support of America mending its relationship with Cuba and his belief in free college education; as long as students devote at least two years to working in their community during their college career.

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