More Than Hot Air? You Decide – Page 6 – Black Enterprise

More Than Hot Air? You Decide

low-income, uninsured purchase private insurance; improve Health Savings Accounts and make qualified medical expenses fully deductible.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has a 28.2% chance of winning the nomination. Romney has a liberal–by Republican standards–record as governor of Massachusetts. Many view him as wishy-washy on the issue of abortion and stem-cell research because he went from pro-choice to pro-life shortly before announcing his presidential bid. And then there’s his Mormon faith and how that will play out in the South.

Born March 12, 1947 (Age: 60)
Spouse Ann Romney
Alma mater Brigham Young University; Harvard Law School
Profession Former governor of Massachusetts (2003—2007); Businessman; President and CEO of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games
Religion The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)
The U.S. tax code is broken and [is] a burden on U.S. taxpayers and businesses, large and small. Today’s tax code is particularly hostile to savings and investment, and it shows. To ensure America’s long-term prosperity and economic security, I am committed to fundamental tax reform built on the principles of simplicity, fairness, and growth; a new tax code that gets the government out of our citizens’ pocketbooks while enhancing U.S. competitiveness abroad; and dissolution of the IRS as we know it.

The first responsibility of government is to protect the American people, the homeland, and our way of life. I am committed to a larger, more capable, and more modern military; a missile defense system that can protect the U.S. and our allies from long-range ballistic missiles; an enhanced intelligence community focused on terrorism and proliferation; a robust approach to homeland security that will protect our nation from terrorists and [weapons of mass destruction]; and a strengthened system of global alliances.

Americans have the best healthcare in the world. Some choose to not be insured; others cannot afford it. Every American should be able to get health insurance coverage that is affordable, fully accessible, and portable. I am committed to a healthcare system that realigns programs and creates a system around individual consumers and patients by providing more information and more opportunities to choose affordable healthcare options that best meet their needs and those of their families.

Legal immigrants have brought energy, ideas, strength, and diversity to our country, economy, and culture. This must continue. But in the post-9-11 world, immigration is more of a national security issue. I am committed to securing our borders and enforcing immigration laws; reviewing our immigration laws and policies to ensure they advance our national interests; and uniting Americans by welcoming legal immigrants willing to learn English, assimilate into our communities, and become productive citizens.

Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson has a 12.9% chance of winning the Republican nomination. Thompson, a latecomer to the race, is seen as a conservative politician, but some wonder whether his heart is really in it. His ideals run counter to those who believe humanity is at fault for global warming.

Born Aug. 29, 1936 (Age: 71)
Panama Canal Zone (U.S. Territory)
Spouse Cindy Hensley McCain
Carol Shepp (divorced)
Alma mater
