More Than Hot Air? You Decide – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

More Than Hot Air? You Decide

streamlining the FDA evaluation process for new drugs. In addition, I will invest in health information technologies to reduce medical errors, improve efficiency, and detect health threats.

Protecting children is a fundamental responsibility of good government. I will promote adoption as a responsible and rewarding choice, give states control of child welfare spending, build partnerships with faith-based organizations, and make the $10,000 adoption tax credit permanent. I will [reduce abortion] by promoting a culture of life-encouraging informed decisions, improving federal abortion data, and opposing any attempt to change restrictions on federal funding for abortion.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has a 39.6% chance of winning the Republican nomination. Based on his tenure as mayor, not to mention the three marriages, Giuliani is definitely not a typical conservative Republican. He is, however, considered the GOP’s best bet in a contest against a Democratic nominee.


Born Aug. 19, 1942 (Age: 65)
Sheffield, Alabama
Spouse Jeri Thompson
Sarah Elizabeth Lindsey (Knestrick)(divorced)
Alma mater Memphis State University; Vanderbilt University
Profession Former U.S. senator from Tennessee (1994—2003);
Actor; Lawyer; Lobbyist; Radio personality
Religion Church of Christ

Note: This information was provided by this candidate’s Website.
I have pledged not to raise taxes. I will make the Bush tax cuts permanent, abolish the death tax, and bring down marginal tax rates. I will implement a middle-class savings plan, eliminating all taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains for middle-class Americans. I also believe that we need to lower our corporate tax rate if American companies are to remain competitive in the global economy. Almost every other developed country in the world has lowered their corporate rate in recent years, and almost all have a lower rate than ours.

If elected, one of my first acts would be to call for a summit of the leading developed nations and friends and allies in the Muslim world to create a worldwide strategy to support moderate Muslims in their effort to defeat radical and violent Islam. I envision tha
t the summit would lead to the creation of a Partnership for Prosperity and Progress: a coalition that would assemble resources to support public schools, new trade, microcredit and banking, the rule of law, human rights, basic healthcare, and free-market policies.

I support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Marriage is fundamentally an institution about the development and nurturing of children. Every child deserves a mom and a dad. We must recognize the traditional union of a man and a woman as the bedrock of the family in our society. If our courts are determined to undermine this principle, then we have no choice but to defend it through a constitutional amendment.

I believe that we can put conservative principles to work to ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable health insurance. I propose the following steps, among others, to improve America’s healthcare system: Give states incentives to deregulate and reform their health insurance markets; redirect existing spending on “free care” to help the
