More Than Hot Air? You Decide – Page 4 – Black Enterprise

More Than Hot Air? You Decide

of our security apparatus to protect our vital interests, take measures to root out terrorist cells, and strike swiftly and forcefully against those who seek to harm us. We must stay on the offensive against both terrorism and its causes. Iraq’s problems cannot be solved by the U.S. military. For over a year, I have argued for an immediate withdrawal of 40,000 to 50,000 U.S. combat troops from Iraq, followed by an orderly and complete withdrawal of all combat troops.

I have released a comprehensive set of proposals to get New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf [region] back on its feet. We need to address the healthcare crisis and spur economic growth in the healthcare sector, make the streets safe with a surge of federal resources, fully fund the Road Home housing assistance program and address rental housing needs, and hold government and private contractors accountable [for this slow recovery].

We should also reform one-size-fits-all mandatory minimum sentences for first-time, nonviolent offenses. We also need more alternatives to incarceration, such as drug courts for first-time, nonviolent offenders. There are now more than 2 million inmates in America. Reintegration needs to begin while they are still in prison with drug treatment, literacy, and education. Then we need to help them find work. I have proposed 1 million stepping-stone jobs to help people get a toehold in the workforce.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards has a 7.7% chance of winning his party’s nomination. While he appears more willing to challenge Clinton’s policy proposals, he fails to capture voters’ imaginations in the same manner as his competition.

Born May 28, 1944 (Age: 63)
Brooklyn, New York
Spouse Judith Nathan;
Donna Hanover (divorced);
Regina Peruggi (divorced)
Alma mater Manhattan College; New York University Law School
Profession Former mayor of New York City (1994—2001);
U.S. attorney (1983—1989); Businessman
Religion Roman Catholic

Note: This candidate refused to respond to be’s query.
I’ve seen how pro-growth policies lead to broader prosperity. We’ll not only keep the current tax cuts in place or their equivalent, we’ll enact additional tax relief and give the death tax the death penalty. I will cut taxes to keep America’s economy strong and create jobs by tying the Alternative Minimum Tax to inflation and lower, more competitive corporate tax rates; encourage savings and create new savings incentives by expanding tax-free savings accounts and reform the tax treatment of healthcare.

I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world. I will strengthen America’s 21st-century workforce, create a Global Prosperity Initiative [to promote higher living standards worldwide and to reform the International Monetary Fund and the distribution of foreign aid], aggressively advance free trade, refocus the State Department and reform Foreign Service, combat anti-Americanism, and expand U.S.-Muslim exchange programs.

I will give Americans more control over and access to healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions. I will transform bureaucracies and change healthcare delivery by reforming the medical liability legal system, rewarding states for innovative solutions, requiring availability of low-cost insurance options, and
