More Than Hot Air? You Decide – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

More Than Hot Air? You Decide

Michelle Obama
Alma mater Columbia University; Harvard Law School
Profession Junior U.S. senator from Illinois (since 2005);
Illinois state senator (1997—2004); Civil rights lawyer
Religion United Church of Christ
My middle-class tax relief plan would provide $80 billion to $85 billion in tax cuts to 150 million workers, seniors, and homeowners by providing a tax cut of up to $1,000–easing the burden on the middle class by providing a universal homeowner’s tax credit to those who do not itemize their deductions, eliminating the income tax for any American senior making less than $50,000 per year, simplifying tax filings so millions of Americans can do their taxes in less than five minutes.

This war has fueled al-Qaida and helped galvanize terrorist organizations, making the world less safe. I introduced a plan in January for a phased redeployment of U.S. troops engaged in combat operations. This redeployment will be both substantial and gradual and planned under the guidance of our military commanders. A residual U.S. presence may remain in Iraq for force protection, training of Iraqi security forces, and counter-terrorism operations.

My plan will guarantee coverage for every American through partnerships among employers, p
rivate health plans, the federal government, and the states. It will establish a new public insurance program, available to Americans who neither qualify for Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Plan nor have access to insurance through their employers, as well as small businesses that want to offer insurance to their employees.

I will increase federal funding for anti-poverty programs. In addition to passing my universal healthcare plan, I will fully fund the Community Development Block Grant program and create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I will increase funding for transitional jobs and career pathways programs and provide greater supports for ex-offenders and their families. I will ensure that minimum wage is indexed for inflation. And I will expand eligibility and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, with a 14.5% chance of becoming the Democratic nominee, has literally given Clinton a run for the money when it comes to fundraising prowess. He has also infused the race with excitement due to his charisma and message of change and hope. But his performance in debates and on the stump makes some people wonder whether he truly has the grit needed to lead the nation.

Born June 10, 1953 (Age: 54)
Seneca, South Carolina
Spouse Elizabeth Edwards
Alma mater North Carolina State University; University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Profession Former U.S. senator from
North Carolina (1999—2005); Attorney
Religion United Methodist
The continuing impact of history is clear in the racial wealth gap. African Americans have less than a dime in wealth for every dollar that white families have. I have proposed a series of initiatives to help families realize financial security, including creating new tax credits to match the savings of low- and middle-income families. Predatory lenders have targeted African American homeowners, resulting in billions of dollars in lost equity and neighborhoods riddled with foreclosures.

As commander-in-chief, I will never hesitate to apply the full extent
