More Terrorism: Diasporans React to Yola Bombing in Nigeria

(Source: Aljazeera.com)

On Tuesday, an explosion occurred in a market in the northeastern Nigerian city of Yola, killing at least 32 people and wounding 80 others, according to reports, and another bombing occurred Friday in a busy mobile phone market in the northeast Nigeria city of Kano where more than 15 are reported killed.

It is not yet confirmed who is behind the bombings but it is suspected that it’s yet another attack by militant Islamist group Boko Haram.

In recent weeks, Boko Haram militants are suspects in attacks in neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon but have not struck northeastern Nigeria since late October when bombings in Yola and Maiduguri left at least 37 people dead.

Since President Muhammadu Buhari took office in May he has vowed to defeat the militant group. During his tenure, suspected terrorist from the group have killed around 1,000 people.

Reports also indicate that Facebook has enabled safety check feature after the bombing in Yola and after criticism in the aftermath of the Paris attacks.

This news comes on the heels of the recent attacks in Paris by suspected Syrian terrorists, and the world has its eye on international security and humanity issues. Concerned Diasporans have taken to social voicing outrage, concern and remembrances of those affected by the recent attack in Nigeria:




This summer, the Buhari administration slated $100 million for the Multinational Joint Task Force, which is composed of military personnel from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon, specifically focused on fighting Boko Haram. At the time Buhari made $21 million available immediately.

The extremist group has reportedly indicated it will not negotiate with the Nigerian government, but Nigerian officials have said they are open to discussions.

“If Boko Haram opts for negotiation, the government will not be averse to it,” Femi Adesina, a Buhari spokesman, said in a statement. “The government will, however, not be negotiating from a position of weakness, but that of strength.”

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