The Case of the I’mas: More Talk Than Action is Never a Good Thing – Black Enterprise

The Case of the I’mas: More Talk Than Action is Never a Good Thing

Doing all the talking. Yes, Twitter is a great place to let people know what you’re doing. But if that’s all you’re doing, it’s not going to work. “You can’t just go on Twitter and type in the title of your blog post and link to it. Or you can’t just say, ‘Oh, look what’s new here.’ It has to be a conversation. And that’s what’s so amazing about Facebook and Twitter—that you can engage with your audience. You shouldn’t just post something and go on with your day,” Gregg says.

Many people know me as a bit of chatterbox, especially when it comes to something I’m passionate about. Whether it’s commentary on the latest news, opinions on celebrity fashion, or the constant flow of ideas that clutter my head, I’ll talk … and talk … and talk about it with excitement to any and everyone willing to listen.

But when it comes to making real boss moves, I’ve found that many of my friends and colleagues doing big things often move in silence, not letting the cat out of the bag until something is up and running or confirmed.

Much of their “talking” is strategic: You wouldn’t know about a new project until it officially launches via a press release or an invite to join in celebrating a new venture, career advancement or personal achievement.

People who talk a lot about their aspirations and what they are planning to do are what my Granny calls “I’mas,” and she constantly warns me against becoming one of them: “Don’t be an ‘I’ma’ … Always saying, ‘I’ma do this … I’ma do that.’ Those people never do what they say they’re gonna do, so busy talking and looking like a fool when all the talk amounts to nothing.”

I’ve met many I’mas in my life. One would often boast about upstart ideas he had and ask me for insight on how he could make his visions reality.

“I’ma get rich with this one!”

“Ima send you the business plan tomorrow!”

“Ima call you so we can trade some ideas next week!”

I’ma … I’ma … I’ma …

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