Five Money Experts Millennials Should Follow

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Though many millennials have access to better education and employment opportunities than their parents, they are still confronted with money management issues. “They say they’re good at living within their means, but many are living paycheck to paycheck,” according to a USA Today and Bank of America report on millennials and money habits. “And while this age group has prioritized reducing debt, many are unable to put away emergency savings simultaneously.” The report credits varying reasons, including student loan debt and difficulty finding a job, as to why millennials aren’t saving and making wiser financial choices. These five money experts, however, offer practical and creative tips to improve your financial situation. Get to know these finance gurus and follow them on social media.
Donny Gamble (@donnygamblejr)

Donny Gamble is the founder of Personalincome.org, a digital tool that bridges the gap between the middle class and wealthy through information and education. Gamble is also a published author, investor and contributor to Huffington Post. After seeing his dad suffer through the 2008 realestate crash, he started studying how the wealthy invested and built legacy trusts for their families.

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Jonnelle Marte (@jonnelle)

Jonnelle Marte is a reporter who covers personal finance. Previously a writer for MarketWatch

forwp-incontent-ad2"> and The Wall Street Journal, she now contributes to The Washington Post. She offers financial information advice and information through online articles like, “The Five Money Mistakes that Are Making You Poor” and “How Obamacare Could Complicate Your Tax Return.”
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Charles Payne (@cvpayne)

Charles Payne hosts Making Money with Charles Payne, weekdays from 6-7 p.m on FOX Business, and joined FOX Business Network in October 2007 as a contributor. Payne started as an analyst at E.F. Hutto on Wall Street and has since founded Wall Street Strategies

, an independent stock market research firm where he serves as chief executive officer and principal analyst. The author of Be Smart, Act Fast, Get Rich reports on everything from college costs to the impact of cheap gas.

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Tiffany Aliche (@TheBudgenista)

Author of the number one Amazon bestseller, The One Week Budget, Tiffany Aliche’s financial advice has been featured in The New York Times, Essence magazine, and Forbes. The financial expert dishes on financial advice for Huffington Post, and she has a blog, The Budgetnista. In her latest article for Huffington Post, Aliche reminds young adults that retirement is inevitable and preps them on how to get ready.

(Image: Twitter)

Stacey Tisdale (@STisdale1)

Stacey Tisdale is an on-air financial journalist with over 15 years of experience under her belt. Before broadcast, the money expert worked on Wall Street as a cash manager for the commodities firm Balfour Maclaine International. Tisdale created a created a personal finance curriculum for college students on behalf of the White House, and it is now a requirement for HBCUs throughout the U.S.


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