BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Big Data’ Craig Brown, PhD. – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Big Data’ Craig Brown, PhD.

BE Modern Man- BE 100 - Craig Brown, Phd
Craig Brown, Phd, CEO & Sr. Partner of STEM Resource Partners. Photo Credit: JP Dewberry

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BE Modern Man- BE 100 - Craig Brown, Phd
Craig Brown, Phd, CEO & Sr. Partner of STEM Resource Partners. Photo Credit: JP Dewberry

Becoming an author of the book Untapped Potential (@supremepartner) has allowed Brown to share relatable stories with others. Beyond the pages of his book, Brown has lead Fortune 50 companies into the age of Big Data and is one of the few African American’s to actually help shape the meaning of Big Data, which is impacting the competitive nature of big business globally.

All of this did not come without setbacks and frustration.

“Beating the African American Stigma & Stereotype was very challenging initially in my career,” Brown tells BE Modern Man. “As a young person I had to overcome these challenges by not representing my culture openly. I could not talk too black or act too black or represent too much cultural imagery.”

Because of this, Brown’s chief aim is to reach other people of color and show them a successful track that anyone can pick up and use to help get ahead within a career or business.

“I plan to move into a teaching capacity by developing programs and workshops that will actually perform the necessary training to get them started and/or support those who have started that just need some help down this path,” says Brown. “Technology is a tool that can be used within any profession, so one doesn’t have to become a technological resource, but having these tools as a resource allows for entry into a landscape of opportunity.”

As more and more African Americans develop the skills necessary to compete in the tech space, equal representation within the industry is paramount.

“African American youth need to see men of color in positions of power, influence and success,” Brown tells BE Modern Man. “We need more portraits of African American men raising our kids and giving back to the community. We are out there, we just don’t see daily images representing and depicting us in ways that can shift how we see our men as a whole.”

Without stories coming from our voices and experiences there is no history. Without history there is no connection.

“We need more stories out there about African Americans to show the youth that pioneers exist and that we have quietly paved the way for them to follow. These stories help our youth connect with people like me that they may never meet but feel they know very well.”

Helping to connect the dots to success is what Brown has set out to do in his industry and community as a whole.

“To me a BE Modern Man stands for opportunity! The opportunity to display myself for those that would like to do what I do, go where I go and become what I have become.”

The team salutes Craig Brown for using his expertise in the field of tech to expose people of color to the opportunities that exist in the space. Brown shows us that increasing awareness, providing tools and resources, and helping to level the playing field is a doable action.

It’s our normal to be extraordinary. Follow @blackenterprise and join the BE Modern Man conversation using #BEModernMan.
