BE Modern Man Ambassador: Meet “The Actor” Laz Alonzo

Laz Alonzo, Actor

Name: Laz Alonzo

Age: 42

Profession: Actor

One Word That Describes You: Hungry


What does being one of the BEMM 100 Ambassadors mean to you?

Black Enterprise has always been the pinnacle of black success. “Mama, I made it” publication so to speak. All of my business role models, when I was a business student at Howard University, were featured in the magazine, and it was always a goal of mine to excel to the level of recognition by it.


What are you doing as an Ambassador to help support black male achievement now or in the future?

I learned early in life that my greater mission was to inspire. I have always been the person to go to when friends, family, co-workers and people in my life needed a boost in confidence and direction. A reminder of the greatness that is within them and how to tap into it when they feel down and out. That is the role I play in my inner circle and through life experience realized that it is who I was put on this earth to be. Not just for my inner circle, but for all I can reach as well. I do this through public speaking, mentorship, helping corporations align their goodwill with those that need it, and even in selecting the roles that I play and how I play them. There is a responsibility when an actor immortalizes an image on screen. The biggest part of that responsibility is doing the necessary work so that the character you portray only depicts THAT specific character, instead of a broad stereotype. Everyone has the ability no matter how big or how small to affect change, as long as we all do our part.


What are some examples of how you turned struggle into success?

In my profession, I do it daily. I don’t judge my success or failure by what I end up working on, but by how well I master the material that is up for consideration. That is what is within my control. If I master the material to the utmost level of authenticity, and can bring that character to its own unique life, then I have excelled at what is expected of me as an actor. My best compliment is when people tell me they had no idea that was me in a film. I transformed into someone unrecognizable as me, which is what an actor is supposed to be able to do, not just memorize words.


What are some immediate projects you are working on?

Currently working on a script idea. I’d like to write, star in, and produce an independent film this year.


What is the best advice you ever received?

Up until 25, you’re judged on potential. After 25, you’re judged on results.


What is some advice you have for other men who want to make a difference?

Wherever you direct your energy and unwavering focus, you will get results. Build one thing at a time.


How do you prep for an important business meeting and/or event?

The Internet and social media are my best friend. I research the people I’m going to be meeting with, the projects they’ve done previously, any interviews on YouTube, and articles they’ve written. I read the material in question, jot down questions, opinions, and suggestions. I like to come in with answers not just questions.


As a busy Modern Man, how do you unwind on vacation? Share a story about your best vacation?

The vacation tends to be as good as the weather and level of work I’m escaping from. Best vacations are always somewhere with a beach, sun, heat, and always in the middle of winter.


If you could travel and stay anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Bora Bora. I’ve always wanted to stay in the middle of the water on a remote hut surrounded by nature, where room service is brought to your room by canoe.

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