Minority Kids Get Raw Deal in U.S. Public Schools

Sixty years after the historic ruling of Brown vs. the Board of Education that declared racially segregated schools unconstitutional, recently released federal data shows that black and other minority students in public schools across the U.S. continue to experience an education markedly different from that of whites, according to USA Today.

The data, released today by Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder

, includes information from every public school in the country.

The data shows the following:

  • Schools serving the highest percentage of African American and Latino students, one in three does not offer a single course in chemistry; one in four doesn’t offer a math course higher than Algebra 1.
  • Black students are suspended and expelled from school at a rate nearly three times that of whites (16 vs. 5%)
  • Black preschoolers represent nearly half of all preschoolers that receive more than one suspension.

Read more at USAToday

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