Million MAGA March Brings Far-Right Leaders And Violence To Washington, DC

Trump supporters waive flags and march in support of Donald Trump, who lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden (Image: Twitter/ @MilionMagaMarch)

Donald Trump supporters took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to express their support of the outgoing president, inciting violence and showing the U.S. is more divided than ever.

According to multiple reports, thousands of people attended the event, but nowhere near the 1 million people White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said attended on Twitter. Many of those who attended the Million MAGA March were members of the Proud Boys, a far-right, Neo-Fascist, and male-only extremist organization; the Oath Keepers; and the Three Percenters.

As the Million MAGA March continued, members clashed with an anti-Trump group who were trying to make their way to a hotel where Trump supporters were staying. According to The Washington Post, one Trump supporter attempted to stab an anti-Trump supporter with a flag bearing the president’s name, and videos showed protesters intimidating and fighting counter-protesters.

Many far-right organizations have taken to the streets across the country to hold protests and rallies as more government officials and lawmakers have begun to admit that Democratic nominee Joe Biden will be the next president.

Additionally, Trump continues to file lawsuits destined to go nowhere. After judges in Michigan and Arizona tossed cases Friday, Trump is now 0-for-16 in his lawsuits and is also frustrating judges with his baseless lawsuits.

According to Fox News

, Washington D.C. police made 10 arrests associated with the Million MAGA March, including four firearms violations, two simple assaults, one no permit, one assault of a police officer, and two disorderly conduct charges.

D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham warned last week that open carry of firearms is not legal in the city and anyone violating the law, peacefully or otherwise, would be arrested and charged.

“We see

some folks that are communicating on social media suggesting that they’re going to bring firearms into our city,” D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham told Fox last week. “You cannot open carry in the District of Columbia, anywhere in the District of Columbia.”

The Million MAGA March may be seen as a victory to Trump supporters, but it will not change the election results or that Trump’s days in office are numbered.

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