Millennial Mompreneur Launches High-Style Enterprise – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Millennial Mompreneur Launches High-Style Enterprise

(Image: Rosalind Brown)

3. Discovery. Constantly learning something new. I was so convinced that I knew business and I loved fashion! But everyone must remain teachable and coachable no matter what field you’re in. So I had to buy lots of books and magazines on top of LOTS of googling in order to learn as much as I could, staying on top of trends, attending trade shows and asking a million questions to anyone that would answer.

4. Balance. This took some time of getting used to. My children are my first and foremost priority and my businesses come second. Once I developed a system of what worked best for me and my family, then I began to get the hang of it.

What are some of your aspirations? Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?

Aspirations. I have so many. Seriously, in the next three years with the right team and systems in place, I see Selfie Addict as a household name in online shopping and with a physical presence in at least two malls in Florida, competing with H&M and Forever 21.

What advice can you give to new millennials (age 25-35) who want to start out in business?

Build a team that believes in your dream and go for it! You have to be consistent. I read somewhere that if you keep working diligently at something, at some point it has no choice but to give in. Nothing beats a failure but a try. And there is nothing wrong with being afraid. If your dreams don’t scare you, then they aren’t big enough!

What’s new or next with you and/or your business?

This year, Selfie Addict will be expanding to shoes, accessories, and having our first annual fashion show.  My next goal is write a book about my journey that will inspire others to chase their dreams!

You can contact Rosalind via email at and follow her on Instagram and on Facebook.

Roz A. Gee (@RozAGee) is an event speaker, media contributor and consultant, and CEO of The Rated Gee Agency with core service sectors in media relations, brand readiness and speaking/training. She has masterfully mixed over 20 years of cumulative experience and has worked professionally for industry titans such as General Electric, AT&T, AOL, IBM, and Northrop Grumman. Schedule a complimentary analysis at You can find Roz on Twitter: @RozAGee and Facebook: TheRatedGeeAgency.
