5 Smart Millennial Entrepreneurs Using Instagram for Business – Black Enterprise

5 Smart Millennial Entrepreneurs Using Instagram for Business

(Image: Facebook)

In our Suppliers & Millennials Building Brands in the Digital Space session at Entreprenurs Summit, Black Enterprise is talking with successful young professionals who landed their brands in Walmart and Sam’s Club. Kyle Donovan (iFork), Jasmine Lawrence (EDEN BodyWorks) and Amanda Miller Littlejohn (Mopwater Social PR) will share how they used their millennial consumer voice and digital savvy to partner with the major retailers.

[Related: Female Entrepreneur and ‘Maverick’ Jumpstarts Business with $500 and a Priceless Purpose]

The following millennial entrepreneurs have also used their digital spaces to their advantage. Via Instagram, they keep followers aware of their brand happenings and offer tips for better business practices. Follow them for inspiration, and check out their brands.

@myleik, curlBox

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