Michelle Obama Interviews Richard Sherman for Let’s Move Campaign

Image: Youtube

FLOTUS has teamed up with NFL cornerback Richard Sherman as she continues to push for a healthier lifestyle among America’s youth in her latest video for the Let’s Move campaign.

In the video shown below, Sherman and a few of his Seahawks teammates act as healthy cooking chefs, while the first lady plays the role of a sideline reporter who questions Sherman about the meal he’s prepared and the importance of healthy eating.

“Richard, take me through your final plate,” Obama says.

“Well let me tell you, we the best chefs in the game,” responds Sherman. “So when you try us with an easy meal like salmon cakes and succotash, that’s the results you’re gonna get.”

Recently, FLOTUS has spoken out against House Republicans’ proposal for a temporary, one-year waiver for financially troubled schools to opt out of meeting the new federal nutrition standards for school lunches.

“The last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with our kids health,” USA Today reports the first lady saying. “Now is not the time to roll back everything we have worked for.”

Clearly, Obama has no problem with getting involved in the dirty game of politics when it comes to promoting healthy eating.

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