Michelle Obama Hangs Out With Kelly Ripa, Talks Child Health Initiatives

(Image: File)

First Lady Michelle Obama is following in her tech-savvy husband‘s footsteps, hosting a Google+ Hangout on Monday as part of a three-year anniversary celebration of the “Let’s Move” health initiative. The virtual conversation, which took place from the Blue Room of the White House, was moderated by Kelly Ripa, co-host of LIVE with Kelly and Michael.

The Hangout allowed participants to ask questions as well as those previously submitted to the White House’s YouTube

page to discuss child health initiatives. Obama announced several new programs that will help families make healthier food choices on a budget and assist kids in becoming more physically active, including a new MyPlate
partnership that identifies thousands of nutritious recipes that meet USDA standards. She also unveiled Let’s Move Active Schools, which encourages schools to find free or low cost ways to include movement before, during or after the school day.

President Obama and his administration have taken part in various social media programs such as this one, including hosting Google Hangouts.

What did you think about Mrs. Obama’s Fireside Hangout?

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