Men Will Only do What you Allow Them to Do – Black Enterprise

Men Will Only do What you Allow Them to Do


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Writer for Uptown Magazine, Slim Jackson, keeps it real with women telling them what they should really expect from a man.

A while back, I wrote an article titled “The Truth About New York: How Big City Dating Corrupts Single Men.” It was about how big cities make it easier for men to buck traditional trends when it comes to dating. Put more succinctly, it was about how big cities make it easier for men to be assholes. One of the last comments on that article posed a question that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, but hadn’t been able to put into substantial words until recently.

“Does there EVER come a point when we expect men to hold _themselves_ to a “higher” standard that is _NOT_ based on women’s actions/inactions?”

Read more at Uptown Magazine
