Meet The Two Black Women Behind The Virtual Nutrition Coaching Platform Culina Health

Culina Health

We all want to live healthier lives. But implementing the necessary lifestyle changes is where the challenge lies.

Introducing Culina Health the virtual nutrition coaching platform that offers personalized dietician services that meet the unique needs of its users. Founded by Black Registered Dietitians, Tamar Samuels and Vanessa Rissetto, the two accredited health professionals are debunking diet fads with realistic approaches to nutrition that redefine what healthy eating really means for each person.

“At Culina Health, we know that getting healthy is a multifaceted and oftentimes difficult journey,” Samuels and Rissetto told BLACK ENTERPRISE.

“That’s why our coaching program combines evidenced-based nutrition with health coaching techniques to help you understand and overcome the physical, mental, environmental, and behavioral challenges getting in the way of reaching your goals instead of just focusing on following a diet.”

At a time when more people are moving towards remote living, Culina Health helps users through their virtual coaching services.

“We help our clients achieve realistic and sustainable results by collaborating with our clients to create a personalized plan that works for each person’s unique lifestyle,” the founders said.

“We give our clients trustworthy nutrition education and resources, unwavering support, and real-life tools for success. We’re here for you every step of the way with personalized nutrition and supplement recommendations, practical meal planning guidance, and strategies to heal your relationship with food and adopt healthy habits.”

Unsafe dieting trends can find those looking for nutrition information online. With all the unverified and unhealthy resources in the market, Samuels and Rissetto shared their take on diets to avoid.

“Honestly, I recommend avoiding most diet trends as they rarely get sustainable results and tend to promote disordered eating, and can sometimes have a harmful effect on metabolic health,” they said.

As it turns out, juicing isn’t the best option when it comes to dieting and losing weight.

“Some of the worst out there are the juice cleanses,” the Culina Health founders said. “Despite popular opinion, juice cleanses can do more harm than good when it comes to managing your blood sugar.”

“Since juicing takes away the fiber found in fruit and vegetables, we’re missing out the power of produce to be able to stabilize our blood sugar, which is important for regulating our appetite, supporting our gut health, and regulating our hormones.”

Among the current dieting fads include the keto diet, a potential weight-loss strategy due to the low-carb diet craze, as noted by a Harvard School of Health review. It’s one current dieting trend that Samuels and Rissetto say can be effective, but not long-term.

“Keto is effective at promoting weight loss while preserving muscle mass and may improve

insulin sensitivity,” they said. “The high amount of fat in the diet can help dieters feel full for longer, making keto easier to stick to in the short term. However, as with any overly restrictive diet, keto is likely not sustainable long term due to the exclusion of so many foods.”

“Sticking to a moderate calorie-restricted diet that includes a variety of healthy foods from all 3 macronutrient groups while getting plenty of exercise is just as effective and more sustainable in the long term.”

Keyword, “plenty of exercise.” If you’re feeling overwhelmed or interested in implementing a healthier way of life, book a virtual nutrition coaching session with one of the experts at Culina Health.

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