Meet Desiree Peterkin Bell: The Woman Changing the Face of Marathon Race Directors

(Image: Desiree Peterkin Bell)

Desiree Peterkin Bell

Desiree Peterkin Bell is a triple threat in life and business. As the race director of the GORE-TEX Philadelphia Marathon, she’s one of a few black Americans to lead a major marathon.

Additionally, as the director of communications and strategy, and the city representative, she holds the only designated city position to represent Mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter; internationally, nationally, and locally.

[Related: Celebrate National Running Day by Joining 3 African American Running Clubs]

Bell, recognized as a strategic planner, consummate communicator and political strategist, holds a master’s in public policy from the National Urban Fellows Program and has served at various levels of politics and government for over 15 years. She’s served four mayors: Bart Peterson, Indianapolis; Michael R. Bloomberg NYC; Cory A. Booker, Newark, NJ; and Michael Nutter, Philadelphia, PA. She was also the senior adviser for Obama for America, helping to craft and lead the successful re-election bid for President Barack Obama in Pennsylvania.

With the GORE-TEX Philadelphia Marathon scheduled to take place on November 22, 2015, BlackEnterprise.com caught up with the five-time NCAA All-American in track and field to get a few marathon training tips and delve more into her background.

BlackEnterprise.com: Female race directors are few and far between. What is the most important quality that a woman needs to be successful in a male-dominated industry?

Bell: We put our pants on just like everybody else, one leg at a time. Women in this position and other leadership positions just need to know that they are just as qualified to lead.

There’s a perception that there are not a lot of African Americans involved in running marathons. In fact, Running USA’s bi-annual National Runner Survey revealed that only 1.6% of marathon runners in America are African American, compared with 90% of Caucasians, 5.1% of Hispanics and 3.9% of Asian/Pacific Islanders. If you agree, what in your opinion can be done to change the perception?

Thanks to Black Girls RUN!, Black Men Run, Men Run Deez Streets, Run2Live and others, the tide is changing. As USA Today reported, let’s consider the statistics:

  • Members of the National Black Marathoners Association, a group based in Dallas, Texas, have increased from 1,200 in 2010 to 3,600 this year.
  • Black Girls RUN! a national organization that promotes fitness among black women, started from a 2011 lunch of 15-20 in Atlanta, Georgia, now says it has 150,000 active members.
  • Black Men Run, a national organization not affiliated with Black Girls RUN!, started out with four or five men meeting in Atlanta’s Grant Park in 2013, and now says it has 6,000 members.
  • New York Road Runners says that between 2012 and 2014, women registering for races as Black Girls RUN! members grew from 915 to 2,501. Men registering as Black Men Run members grew from 8 to 148.

What does it take to plan a marathon?
Discipline, steadiness, focus, drive, and a great team. I work with a number of talented individuals who all come together to ensure the best possible experience for our participants. From the opening of our Health & Fitness Expo to our last participant crossing the finish line.
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How many runners and volunteers does the event attract?
We anticipate more than 30,000 runners across our three races (full marathon, half marathon, and Rothman 8K). We have an average of 3,000 volunteers each year.

What sets the GORE-TEX® Philadelphia marathon from others?
Our races are not just about the athletics. We work with local restaurants to create our Choose Your Course program, where runners can go to a variety of places and enjoy a special prix fixe (fixed price) menu to carbo-load before the big day. We set up more than 20 Cheer Zones throughout the

course for members of the public to join in the Race Weekend excitement and cheer on all of our participants. We even have Mayor Nutter out at the start/finish line giving high-fives to all the participants as they begin and end their race.

What can participants expect for 2015?
We’re excited to welcome two new partners to Race Weekend 2015: Comcast, the title sponsor of our Health & Fitness Expo, who will bring their own special features to the free, two-day Expo and CarbBoom! Energy Gels, our second partner, serves as the official energy gels of the 2015 GORE-TEX® Philadelphia Marathon, providing six flavors along the course–Apple Cinnamon, Banana Peach, Grape Pomegranate, Raspberry, Strawberry Kiwi, and Vanilla Orange.

We are also in the process of developing a new app that participants and their fans will be able to download and use to enhance their Race Weekend experience.

Can you give us some tips to prepare for a marathon?
Listen to your body and  know your limits and your strengths. And drink water.

You’ve worked with several high-profile officials in government. What’s the one piece of career advice you’d give to a young woman who wants to follow in your footsteps?
It is important to be driven by purpose and not position. I have been humbled and blessed to be at the table where many important decisions have been made that impact many people, and often called on for my counsel and advice. But I also recognize that I drink deeply from wells I did not dig and many women, specifically many women of color, have paved the way for me to sit at the table. Always remember where you come from and what drives you.

For many people, serving in a dual capacity can be challenging. Which transferable skills have helped you succeed?
Branding, communication, and strategy are the key skills that I use for both roles. My tenacity is another quality. I learned early on as I competed in track and field, that I couldn’t ever give up, no matter what. Again, knowing how many women have come before me, I don’t have the luxury of not getting up after I fall and continuing to persevere.

Describe your biggest challenge? How did you overcome it?
Self doubt. We all are human. There will be a time when we doubt our own ability despite the accolades and positive comments from others. What’s important is to believe in yourself and believe you have already attained it: conceive it, believe it, achieve it.

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