Maxine Waters Slams President Trump’s Response to COVID-19 in Fiery Tweets – Black Enterprise

Maxine Waters Slams President Trump’s Response to COVID-19 in Fiery Tweets

Maxine Waters
Rep. Maxine Waters (Image: Flickr)

The COVID-19 pandemic, otherwise known as the coronavirus, has caused a massive shift in daily life as the number of infections in the U.S started rising along with countries around the world. Since the beginning of this public health crisis, the Trump administration has been widely criticized for its slow and lackadaisical approach to the virus. Many critics have accused the administration of being careless and even callous, pointing out that President Trump has called it the “Chinese virus.”

This week, Rep. Maxine Waters was one of the latest government officials to slam the president for his response to the virus outbreak; leaving many states to combat the disease on their own. In a series of fiery tweets, Rep. Waters called his “disaster” of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact in the United States a failure on the government that is greatly affecting citizens who are experiencing severe economic hardship.

“Trump, you incompetent idiot! You sent 18 tons of PPE to China early but ignored warnings & called COVID19 concerns a hoax. You’ve endangered doctors, nurses, aids, orderlies, & janitors – all risking their lives to save ours,” she said in a tweet.“Pray 4 forgiveness for the harm that you’re causing!”

The California congresswoman’s bold response comes after Trump’s numerous false claims about the novel coronavirus and the U.S.’s response to it. The U.S. has now surpassed China and Italy as the country with the most virus cases as our healthcare professionals struggle to treat patients with a medical supply shortage. He finally adhered to public health professionals and ultimately extended nationwide social distancing guidelines through April 30,
