Republican Marco Rubio Quotes Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z on Senate Floor – Black Enterprise

Republican Marco Rubio Quotes Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z on Senate Floor

How Poland Spring Failed to Capitalize on Marco Rubio’s Sip

MARCO RUBIO DRINKING WATERRepublican senator Marco Rubio is a hip-hop aficionado–at least if his recent speech on the senate floor is any indication. The Florida lawmaker took the podium after a previous senator quoted William Shakespeare during a senate meeting.

“I didn’t bring my Shakespeare book, so let me just begin by quoting a modern day poet,” Rubio said. “His name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ‘Work Hard, Play Hard.” Following his Wiz Khalifa reference, Rubio quoted a Jay-Z lyric, saying, “it was all good just a week ago.”

The statement was in reference to Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster of President Barack Obama’s nominee for CIA director, John Brennan. This wasn’t the first time Rubio has referenced hip-hop. He has previously professed his love for Tupac Shakur.

Read more at The Grio.
