Lower Fees, Higher Returns

Finally, it’s safe to open your mail again. Ever since the beginning of 2000, investors’ mutual fund statements have gone from bad to worse. From the second quarter of 2000 through the first quarter of 2003, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, the benchmark used by stock market professionals, was in the red eight times out of 12. And four of those quarterly losses were in double-digit figures. As the market tanked, so did virtually all stock funds.

In the second quarter of 2003, however, the S&P 500 gained more than 15%, its best performance since the fourth quarter of 1998 when it went up 21% and the bull market was still in stampede mode. A strong second quarter more than offset a weak first quarter, bringing the index’s total return to a satisfying plus 11.8% for the first half of 2003. “A broad rally lifted all boats,” says Brian Portnoy, a senior analyst at Morningstar Inc. in Chicago. “For the past five years, financial markets have been divided. If either stocks or bonds went up, the other group was down. In the second quarter of 2003 though, there was nothing but winners.”

These highlights emerged from the first half of 2003:

Virtually every fund category had positive returns, bond funds as well as stock funds. (A few bear market funds that bet against stocks were pounded.)

Stock funds beat the stock market. According to Morningstar, U.S. equity funds gained 12.9% in the first half, with 53% of all diversified domestic stock funds topping the 11.8% gains of the S&P 500.

International equity funds also had a solid first half, up just over 10%.

Bond funds continued to show positive returns, as they have since 1999. For the past three years, through June 3, bond funds have returned over 7% per year while stocks have gone in the other direction.

Stocks still look like winners for long-term investors. For the past 10 years, through the first half of 2003, domestic stock funds have returned almost 8% a year, while bond funds have returned less than 6%.

Growth funds generally beat value funds in the first half, while specialized technology funds led all categories, up nearly 24%. Nevertheless, this year’s leaders were clawed the most severely during the long bear market, so they’re still way off their peak values.

Will the gains continue the rest of the year? Or will the second-quarter spurt prove to be a bear trap, as it’s been in the past? In the last quarter of 2001, for example, stocks gained over 10%. But 2002 turned out to be the market’s worst year since 1974.

No one can predict the future, but there are steps mutual fund investors can take to improve long-term returns:

Lower your costs, raise your returns. “Rule No. 1 for mutual fund investors is to buy inexpensive funds,” says Portnoy. “Most investors are very cost conscious when it comes to buying a dishwasher or a stereo but not when buying funds. The information is readily available, online or from a fund, and it’s worth finding out.”

Portnoy says that a few years ago, when funds were returning 20% a year, paying 2% in fund expenses might not have seemed worrisome: “However, if we’re entering into a time when investment returns will be around 6% a year, as some people have suggested, paying 2% to a fund means giving up one-third of your gains.” You’ll be much better off with a fund that charges you 1%, or even less.

How much can you expect to pay when you invest in funds? According to Morningstar, diversified stock funds have average expense ratios around 1.5%. A mutual fund’s expense ratio expresses the percentage of assets deducted yearly for costs such as marketing, management, and administration. It doesn’t include transaction fees or commissions paid. For example, a fund with $100 million in assets that spends $1.25 million on the aforementioned costs would have an expense ratio of 1.25%. International and specialty stock funds have slightly higher expenses, while most bond funds charge investors approximately 1% per year. To help guide you, this year’s 80 top-performing mutual funds are ranked by their average annual three-year return as well as their expense ratio. (See table in this story.)

Many funds have been able to keep expenses low. Ariel (ARGFX), for example, is a value fund specializing in small companies.

The average small-cap value fund has an expense ratio of 1.53%. Ariel’s expense ratio is 1.19%, or 0.34 percentage points (34 basis points) below the norm. And low costs have given the Ariel fund an excellent track record. “We’re very focused on trying to hold down expenses,” says John W. Rogers Jr., CEO of Ariel Capital Inc. and portfolio manager of the Ariel fund and the Ariel Appreciation fund. “Our directors hold us accountable for the money we spend. At the end of the day, low expenses make a difference. We’ve been running Ariel fund for 17 years. An extra 25 or 50 basis points a year, for 17 years, can increase an investor’s return substantially.”

How does Ariel keep its overhead low? “We’re buy-and-hold investors,” says Rogers, “so we don’t do a lot of trading. When you reduce your trading costs, that helps to lower a fund’s overall costs.” Rogers advises investors to look closely at a fund’s turnover—how often shares are bought and sold—before investing. Morningstar puts the average turnover rate for a domestic stock fund at about 100% (the average fund’s annual trades are about equal to the assets it holds), so funds with much lower turnover rates may have relatively low costs.

Rein in retirement fund expenses. If you invest in mutual funds through your company’s retirement plan, low expenses should be among the reasons you pick your funds. Darryl E. Kelson, 39, a FedEx dispatcher in Charlotte, North Carolina, does all of his mutual fund investing inside the company’s 401(k) plan. “I’ve been aggressive because I expect to have many years before I retire,” he says. “And I know that stocks have been best over the long term.”

Therefore, Kelson has been focusing on stock funds: “Over the past few years, I’ve sometimes felt like I was the only employee around here still contributing to stock funds but I kept with it, despite all the ups and downs. You’re better off buying when prices drop and stocks go on sale.” What’s more, Kelson has concentrated his investments in the Vanguard family of funds, which has a reputation for offering funds with low expense ratios “I know you’re better off if you can avoid incurring up-front costs,” he says, “and that’s the case with these funds. In addition, I like the fact that Vanguard funds generally have low expenses.”

Up to now, Kelson’s investment choices have included the Vanguard Windsor fund (VWNDX), which follows a value style, and

the Vanguard Primecap fund (VPMCX), which holds both growth and value stocks. He also invests in the Vanguard Wellington fund (VWELX), which mixes high-grade bonds with blue-chip stocks. “As I turn 40 this year and come closer to retirement, I plan to become a bit more conservative and start investing in a Vanguard bond fund, too,” he says.

Retirees need to pinch pennies, too. Low-cost funds work for those already tapping their portfolios, as well as for investors in the buildup stage. L. Dwight Johnson recently retired after a 25-year career with a local phone company. “Back in the early 1980s, all the stock I owned was AT&T,” says Johnson, 55, who lives in Creve Coeur, Missouri. In the early 1990s, he was still totally invested in telecom stocks, including the so-called Baby Bells. “I looked at the trends in the industry,” says Johnson, who is currently working on a start-up company of his own. “There was all this talk about bandwidth, but I was convinced at the time that it wasn’t going to take off.

I thought other industries were more attractive, such as pharma
ceuticals, because of the aging of the Baby Boomers.” So Johnson decided to diversify: “I shifted money into mutual funds right before telecom stocks tanked.” Telecom stocks have been hard hit because of the inundation of the industry in recent years, so Johnson’s move into funds helped him escape the worst of the market collapse.

According to Johnson’s investment advisor, fees aren’t the driving force in their selection of mutual funds, but they are a guide. Johnson and his advisor look for consistency of returns to see how a fund ranks within its sector. They find out if the management team that deserves credit for the returns is still in place. If a fund just has one person at a computer picking stocks, they may think twice about that particular fund.

Johnson invests in Dodge & Cox (DODGX), a large-cap fund (one that invests mainly in large companies); Hartford MidCap (HFMCX) and Olstein Financial Alert (OFAFX), both mid-caps; and Liberty Acorn (LACAX), a small-cap fund. At the suggestion of his advisor, he also increased his exposure to international stock funds earlier this year because the U.S. dollar was expected to weaken, which it did, and because further weakening is expected. If you buy a foreign stock fund and the dollar weakens, the value of foreign companies’ earnings will increase for U.S. investors. Johnson’s investment advisor includes the following funds on her list: First Eagle Overseas (SGOVX) and Longleaf Partners International (LLINX).

Morningstar’s Portnoy also advocates holding international funds in your portfolio: “Foreign stocks do not perform exactly the same as U.S. stocks, so adding a foreign fund can reduce your overall risk. Foreign funds that buy mid-sized and small companies are more likely to hold stocks you won’t find in your domestic equity funds.”

Among fixed-income funds, Johnson and his advisor like PIMCO Real Return (PRTNX) and Columbia High-Yield (CHGAX). The PIMCO fund holds inflation-indexed Treasury bonds to protect bond holders against inflation. Columbia High-Yield invests in junk bonds but there are no C-rated bonds in the portfolio, so the quality is relatively strong. All of these funds have low expense ratios for their category.

Stay the course. A low-cost mutual fund may or may not post a good return in any given year. The real advantage of lower expenses will become apparent over the

long term, so it pays to keep investing, no matter what’s happening with your life or with the market. Pat and Marc Marshall, both 38, of Mitchellville, Maryland, are building a family and a dream house, yet they still manage to invest in mutual funds. “We’re in for the long term,” says Marc, a business development executive at a high-tech company. “We practice dollar-cost averaging, putting money into funds each month. When prices go down, we can buy more shares, which probably will pay off over the years.”

The Marshalls invest in funds through a discount broker and they buy no-load funds (funds with no sales charge) to hold their costs down. “We own Janus (JANSX) and Janus Worldwide (JAWWX),” says Pat, a mortgage banker, “so we have domestic and foreign funds.” Both funds are well below their category averages in expenses and they have excellent long-term records, although recent results have lagged in the 2000 — 2003 bear market. “We also own Invesco Telecommunications (ITLAX) and Red Oak Technology Select (ROGSX),” says Marc. “These are specialized funds and they can be volatile, but I like to invest in what I know.”

LeCount R. Davis, a certified financial planner and registered investment advisor in Bethesda, Maryland, who has advised the Marshalls, says he is always mindful of the cost of the funds he recommends: “We have several criteria when we pick funds, and a low expense ratio is one of them. We want the funds on our ‘buy’ list to be below average for their category when it comes to expenses. The more a fund spends, the less profitable it is and the less clients will have.” Other criteria Davis uses in his fund picking include consistency of returns (in relation to a fund’s category), continuity of management, and adherence to a specific investment style.

You can also cut your costs by avoiding sales charges, or loads, in the mutual fund business. (See sidebar.) Generally, you’ll have to pay some kind of a load if you want a professional’s advice. But some advisors, such as Davis, do without sales commissions and rely upon asset management or hourly fees instead. Thus, instead of paying a $575 load when you invest $10,000 in a fund, you might pay $100 — $200 a year for ongoing guidance, or an established fee for every hour you talk with your advisor.

Davis says the market may be up moderately the rest of this year: “I think the best opportunities may be in large-cap funds. They invest in big companies and many of those companies have retrenched, laying off people. Those companies may find that the economy isn’t as bad as they thought, so their profits might increase, raising the stock prices.” Among the funds Davis would recommend to an investor with a similar investment profile to the Marshalls’ are the Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) and the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index (VTSMX). Like many index funds, they do little trading and no stock picking so expenses are extraordinarily low, around 0.20% per year, or $20 for every $10,000 invested. He also likes Oakmark Equity & Income (OAKBX), Dodge & Cox (DODBX), T. Rowe Price Equity-Income (PRFDX), Clipper (CFIMX), and Ameristock Focused Value (AMFVX).

Even if you think stocks are ready for a repeat performance of the late 1990s, you shouldn’t overload on any one type of fund. On the other hand, the sorry performance of stocks in

2000, 2001, and 2002 shouldn’t scare you away. “Timing the market is a fool’s game,” says Portnoy. “If you are investing for a period of five years or longer, there are good reasons to stick with equities.” A mix of stock funds and bond funds will likely serve you best, and the payoff may be greater if you seek funds that will spend your money carefully.

The ABCs of Selecting Mutual Funds
If you want professional assistance in selecting mutual funds, you’ll most likely have to pay an advisor or a load (sales charge). Traditionally, a load was paid up front. With an 8.5% load, for example, you might invest $10,000 but only see $9,150 on your initial statement. The other $850 would be the broker’s commission. Up-front loads still exist but they’re not your only option. Most load funds now offer several share classes, commonly A, B, and C share classes.

A shares are the ones with up-front loads. A 5.75% load is common for stock funds. Some initial loads are slightly lower.

B shares have back-end loads. Each dollar you invest goes into mutual funds, but you pay the load over time via higher annual fees. If you redeem B shares early, you may pay a redemption fee, which declines the longer you hold the fund and usually disappears after about six years. The higher annual fees (known as 12b-1 fees) are in place for a number of years.

C shares generally don’t charge an up-front fee and they don’t charge a redemption fee after the first year. However, C shares charge an even higher annual fee than B shares, which you have to pay until you no longer invest in the fund.

Which share class should you choose? For many investors, A shares usually make the most sense. “A shares generally are easy to understand,” says Brian Portnoy, a senior analyst at Morningstar Inc. in Chicago. “B shares might lead you to believe there is no sales charge, but you may pay on the back end depending on how long you hold onto a fund. C shares are inappropriate for everyone because the sales charges just go on, year after year.”

Some fund loads can be deceptive, according to LeCount Davis, CFP, RIA in Bethesda, Maryland. “There’s no
load up front, but you have to pay a redemption fee if you sell that fund within a certain number of years,” he says. “In practice, most investors want to get out before the back-end load disappears so they wind up paying it.” Davis also says he never recommends C shares (level-load funds) because the ongoing expenses remain high.

Some funds have various other share classes, too. You can buy funds with D, Y, N, F, R, X, M, T, or Z shares. No matter what the label, you should know all the terms and conditions of a share class before choosing it. Your advisor should be able to explain them to you. After all, you’re paying those fees in order to receive sound advice. Be confident you’re getting what you pay for.

B.E.’s Top Mutual Fund Performers
So that you can identify vehicles that will give maximum returns over the long haul, we have identified 80 top-performing, low-cost funds by their three-year average annualized return. The ranking of each no-loader was also based on having the lowest expense ratios for its category.

Avg. Annualized
Total Return*

Fund Name







Atalanta/Sosnoff Value ASVFX 2.64 N/A 1.50 $5,000 877-767-6633
Jensen JENSX 0.90 7.15 1.00 2,500 800-992-4144
Strong Large Company Growth SLGIX -5.58 7.44 1.30 2,500 800-368-1683
Papp Focus N/A -5.90 1.74 1.25 5,000 800-421-4004
Fidelity Capital Appreciation FDCAX -6.45 3.10 1.03 2,500 800-544-8888
Meridian Growth MERDX 8.32 11.94 1.06 1,000 800-446-6662
RBC Mid Cap Equity A CMEAX 0.84 7.80 1.37 1,000 800-442-3688
Papp Small & Mid-Cap Growth PAPPX 0.33 N/A 1.25 5,000 800-421-4004
T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth RPMGX -0.48 6.81 0.88 2,500 800-638-5660
Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities WSBEX -3.54 0.12 1.25 1,000 800-555-0644
Buffalo Small Cap BUFSX 12.47 20.44 1.02 2,500 800-492-8332
William Blair Small Cap Growth N WBSNX 7.21 N/A 1.62 5,000 800-742-7272
1st Source Monogram Special Equity FMSPX 6.18 10.19 1.24 1,000 800-766-8938
Baron Growth BGRFX 5.97 11.84 1.35 2,000 800-992-2766
Dreyfus Premier Future Leaders R DFLRX 5.28 N/A 1.10 1,000 800-334-6899
Thompson Plumb Growth THPGX 10.97 10.06 1.11 2,500 800-999-0887
Mairs & Power Growth MPGFX 8.47 9.59 0.78 2,500 651-222-8478
Matrix Advisors Value MAVFX 4.74 10.01 0.99 1,000 800-366-6223
Parnassus Equity Income PRBLX 3.86 11.17 0.96 2,000 800-999-3505
Fidelity Fifty FFTYX 1.47 7.15 1.09 2,500 800-544-8888
FAM Value FAMVX 13.83 6.25 1.21 500 800-932-3271
Fairholme Fund FAIRX 13.41 N/A 1.00 2,500 866-202-2263
Icon Leisure & Consumer Staples ICLEX 12.39 9.41 1.34 1,000 800-764-0442
Ariel Appreciation CAAPX 11.65 9.24 1.26 1,000 800-292-7435
FMI Common Stock FMIMX 11.41 10.70 1.10 1,000 800-811-5311
CGM Focus CGMFX 29.58 20.86 1.20 2,500 800-345-4048
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock FLPSX 16.89 11.61 0.97 2,500 800-544-8888
Homestead Small Company Stock HSCSX 13.29 6.42 1.50 500 800-258-3030
Pennsylvania Mutual Inv PENNX 11.49 9.95 0.94 2,000 800-221-4268
Royce Micro-Cap Inv RYOTX 10.94 11.88 1.49 2,000 800-221-4268
Oakmark I OAKMX 9.73 2.62 1.17 1,000 800-625-6275
Dodge & Cox Stock DODGX 9.28 9.90 0.54 2,500 800-621-3979
Auxier Focus AUXFX 7.83 N/A 1.35 2,000 877-328-9437
American Century Large Co Val Inv ALVIX 5.84 N/A 0.90 2,500 800-345-2021
Summit Everest Fund SAEVX 4.89 N/A 0.96 5,000 888-259-7565
Yacktman Focused YAFFX 21.55 4.36 1.25 2,500 800-525-8258
Yacktman YACKX 20.88 6.99 0.99 2,500 800-525-8258
Marshall Mid-Cap Value Inv MRVEX 14.05 9.90 1.26 1,000 800-236-8560
T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Value TRMCX 13.09 9.83 0.96 2,500 800-638-5660
Janus Mid Cap Value Inv JMCVX 12.69 N/A 1.15 2,500 800-525-3713
Royce Special Equity RYSEX 21.98 11.57 1.20 $2,000 800-221-4268
American AAdvantage Sm Cp Value Plan AVPAX 21.06 N/A 1.11 2,500 800-388-3344
Heartland Value HRTVX 19.48 12.66 1.29 5,000 800-432-7856
Delafield DEFIX 18.18 11.66 1.20 5,000 800-221-3079
Berwyn BERWX 16.76 3.89 1.29 3,000 800-992-6757
Oakmark International I OAKIX 1.86 7.31 1.31 1,000 800-625-6275
Fidelity Canada FICDX -0.66 8.51 1.46 2,500 800-544-8888
Tweedy, Browne Global Value TBGVX -2.09 4.23 1.37 2,500 800-432-4789
Preferred International Value PFIFX -2.25 1.65 1.22 1,000 800-662-4769
Exeter World Opportunities A EXWAX -2.72 7.15 1.30 2,000 800-466-3863
Oakmark Global I OAKGX 18.02 N/A 1.55 1,000 800-625-6275
Polaris Global Value PGVFX 9.00 5.09 1.75 2,500 888-263-5594
Vanguard Global Equity VHGEX 2.95 6.28 1.11 3,000 800-662-7447
Pearl Total Return PFTRX 2.92 5.34 0.97 1,000 866-747-9030
Fidelity Worldwide FWWFX -5.77 0.01 1.20 2,500 800-544-8888
American Century Target Mat 2020 Adv ACTEX 18.69 N/A 0.84 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2010 Adv ACTRX 14.99 N/A 0.84 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2015 Adv ACTTX 13.40 N/A 0.84 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2010 Inv BTTNX 12.84 8.50 0.59 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2025 Adv N/A 11.65 9.91 0.84 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2005 Adv ATRGX 12.57 8.38 0.84 2,500 800-345-2021
American Century Target Mat 2005 Inv BTFIX 10.66 7.62 0.59 2,500 800-345-2021
Vanguard Inflation-Protected Secs VIPSX 10.18 N/A 0.22 3,000 800-662-7447
Vanguard Interm-Term U.S. Treas VFITX 9.79 7.39 0.28 3,000 800-662-7447
American Century Inflat-Adj Bd Inv ACITX 9.16 7.55 0.59 2,500 800-345-2021
Managers Intermediate Duration Govt MGIDX 7.88 6.07 0.88 1,000 800-835-3879
Northern U.S. Government NOUGX 7.65 6.12 0.90 2,500 800-595-9111
Vanguard Short-Term Federal VSGBX 7.39 6.30 0.26 3,000 800-662-7447
Vanguard Short-Term Treasury VFISX 7.28 6.24 0.28 3,000 800-662-7447
Payden U.S. Government R PYUSX 7.23 6.08 0.40 5,000 800-572-9336
TCW Galileo Total Return Bond I TGLMX 10.14 7.48 0.70 2,000 800-386-3829
Sextant Bond Income SBIFX 10.08 6.54 0.72 1,000 800-728-8762
TCW Galileo Total Return Bond N TGMNX 9.89 N/A 1.00 2,000 800-386-3829
Vanguard Interm-Term Bond Index VBIIX 9.80 7.19 0.21 3,000 800-662-7447
Vanguard Interm-Term Corp Bd VFICX 9.65 6.96 0.20 3,000 800-662-7447
Harris Insight Tax-Exempt Bond N HXBAX 8.02 5.89 0.50 1,000 800-982-8782
Schwab Long-Term Tax-Free Bond SWNTX 7.58 5.01 0.49 2,500 800-435-4000
SAFECO Municipal Bond Inv SFCOX 7.1
5.08 0.61 5,000 800-624-5711
Old Westbury Municipal Bond OWMBX 7.07 5.46 1.05 1,000 800-607-2200
USAA Tax Exempt Long-Term USTEX 7.02 4.79 0.45 3,000 800-382-8722
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