Hi, Hater: Squashing Workplace Beef from Start Can Ensure Less Drama in the End – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Hi, Hater: Squashing Workplace Beef from Start Can Ensure Less Drama in the End

How To Rise Above the Hate

Keep a positive outlook. If it’s bearable, let them hate and continue to do you staying positive and focused. However, sometimes it can get to be unbearable. If you do reach that breaking point, here are some things you can do to protect yourself, your job, and most importantly your fist from meeting someone’s face:

Try to have a one on one conversation. Be pleasant and go with the intention to resolve any issues. Give the hater an opportunity to voice their issues. But, be mindful that most haters won’t be able to articulate the real issue and will instead try to create one by focusing on miniscule issues they’ve unjustly morphed into huge problems. You will quickly recognize that their goal is not for resolution and no matter what you say or do they won’t commit to truce. At this point, you must now move past mediation to preservation.

Conduct yourself in a professional manner while at work at all times. Arrive on time, perform your duties to the best of your ability, do not participate in office gossip and ignore the situation as much as possible. The hater will look for any loophole to bring you down.

Lastly, seek a healthy environment where you are respected and recognized for your work accomplishments. Trust me, you’ll be better off!

One thing you don’t want to do is allow the hater to turn you into someone just like them. Misery loves company. At the end of the day, a hater is going to be a hater! There’s really not much you can do to change them. So, make sure you recognize them, protect yourself, kill them with kindness, and excel to a point where even the hater has to eventually give you props and respect. After that, sit back, kick your feet up on your desk, laugh while you waddle in all your success and say to yourself when they walk by or are mentioned, “Hi, Hater!”

Yandy Smith is a music management powerhouse and co-founder/CEO of Everything Girls Love, a lifestyle, Web publishing and fashion brand. With valuable experience collaborating alongside entertainment heavyweight Mona Scott-Young at multimedia conglomerate Violator Management, and later, Monami Entertainment, she has worked with music industry greats including 50 Cent, Missy Elliott, Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, and Jim Jones.

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