Libraries Adapt to Changing Times

Expand Your Reading Collection…for Free Even in the Internet age, the public library is still a great resource. There’s no time like the present to renew or start using your library card again. With an endless selection of great reads, check out the latest novel by your favorite author or get introduced to the classics. Reading, after all, is fundamental. Might we suggest financial guru Deborah Owens’ A Purse of Your Own, which offers great insights on how to train yourself to become financially secure.

Libraries are the staple of many communities and, since the recession, patrons are looking for more from their local branches. Now branches are adding e-books, Kindles and small conference rooms to keep up with the times.

“Today’s libraries are reinventing themselves as vibrant town squares, showcasing the latest best sellers, lending Kindles loaded with e-books, and offering grass-roots technology training centers. Faced with the need to compete for shrinking municipal finances, libraries are determined to prove they can respond as quickly to

the needs of the taxpayers as the police and fire department can,” reports the New York Times.

Many libraries are now calling patrons and are modeling their spaces after bookstores. Shelf space is limited and bestsellers are put in the forefront, and e-books are available for loans.

“I think public libraries used to seem intimidating to many people, but today, they are becoming much more user-friendly, and are no longer these big, impersonal mausoleums,” said Jeannette Woodward, a former librarian and author of Creating the Customer-Driven Library: Building on the Bookstore Model

, to The Times.

Weigh in: How has your local library reinvented themselves to keep up with the times? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


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