[JOIN US LIVE] Kenny Burns and Black Enterprise Celebrating the ‘Good Life’ – Black Enterprise

[JOIN US LIVE] Kenny Burns and Black Enterprise Celebrating the ‘Good Life’

What does it mean to live the good life? Black Enterprise is exploring what it means to put your life in overdrive and live it to the fullest—from the office to the home and beyond. Sponsored by Lexus, this special series of content and curated events will help you truly examine how you can make the ultimate shift toward success—however it looks for you and yours.

[Related: Lexus Celebrates the ‘Good Life’ with Black Enterprise]

In line with this, on Wednesday, April 22 at 3 p.m. EST, Black Enterprise is hosting a Google Hangout with Kenny Burns, senior vice president of brand development at Combs Enterprises, to talk about his career, his passion for music and brand management and how he’s been able to spark his own entrepreneurial pursuits.

Black Enterprise social media manager Sirita Wright will chat with Burns, who is also founder and CEO of Studio43.com, and all guests are encouraged to ask questions, offer your stories of your ‘Good Life’ and be inspired by Burns’ journey to the top.

Visit https://www.google.com/+BeMultimedia to participate and follow #BEGoodLife on social media for updates.

Check out last year’s Good Life Google Hangout below:

