How to Use Facebook Groups for Career Success – Black Enterprise
Career Leadership

How to Use Facebook Groups for Career Success

(Image: iStock/stockstudioX)

Whether you’re looking to position yourself as an expert or find new customers, Facebook groups are a fantastic way to increase brand awareness, generate leads for your business, and build credibility in your industry. Plus with 2 billion monthly users, it’s a great opportunity to find your tribe—a support group featuring people with the same hobbies, activities, or business interest as you.

Here are a few ways to leverage Facebook groups to increase your career visibility:

Find people of like-minded interest

Simply log on to your Facebook page, look to the left side of the screen for the word “Explore”  and then click Groups. Once you click groups you’ll see several recommendations but you can also click “Discover” to view groups by the interest of your friends, local recommendations, and popular topics such as parenting, movies, identity, relationships, and more. Alternatively, you can use the search field to look for groups by topic or create your own Facebook Group. Before joining a group, make sure you read the group description and mission. Also, take note, many groups have strict rules about selling products and services.

Build a community around interest, products, and services

Facebook groups are a great way to show your brand promise or turn your message into a movement. For instance, Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche is a financial educator who started Dream Catchers: LIVE RICHER w/The Budgetnista, a highly engaged Facebook group with over 300,000 members. Group members discuss everything from the Budgetnista’s financial empowerment challenges to credit and money management advice.

Learn about the latest industry trends and productivity tools

With the recent algorithm changes on Facebook and Instagram, FB groups are a great way to gather actionable marketing advice for improving online visibility from group experts, influencers, and consultants. Additionally, members often share productivity hacks, tips, and tools for getting work done.

Ask for advice, test a business idea and get feedback

From looking for encouragement to asking for feedback regarding your logo designs or sales copy, FB groups such as the Brand Build + Launch with Arsha Jones, also act as a support group for business owners. The group currently has 38,364 members and posts weekly themes for each day of the week to keep members motivated.

Build your credibility and influence

By starting an FB group and sharing helpful articles, tips, resources, and training, you can become recognized as the go-to leader in your industry. Plus, through polls and FB Live Q&A’s you can learn more about your target audience. The Humans of Online Business Facebook group by Regina Anaejionu is another highly engaged FB community helping people build their online businesses. Anaejionu’s group reaches over 9,781 members. Additionally, she’s a rock star at providing loads of free training and guides on topics such as how to build a profitable teaching platform and how to grow your podcast or video series.
