LeVar Burton’s Daughter Pokes Fun At His ‘Jeopardy!’ Hosting Debut

LeVar Burton (Image: Change.org)

LeVar Burton doesn’t have to worry about getting trolled online because he’s getting made fun of right at home.`

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The Reading Rainbow icon made his Jeopardy! guest-hosting debut this week. It’s something Burton has wanted to do for years and has anxiously waited for the opportunity. But leave it up to his own flesh and blood to tease Burton during his career-high.

During Burton’s hosting debut on Monday night, Mica Burton took to Twitter to poke a little fun at her celebrity dad.

“Bless @levarburton for putting up with me,” she captioned the sweet tweet.

It included a short TikTok video showing the family around the television tuned in to a Jeopardy episode.

“He’s there, but he’s there,” Mica said while panning the camera from the television to her father who was sitting down watching himself perform. “But he’s on TV. But he’s there.”

Once Burton realized his daughter was recording him, he jokingly asked her to stop. The adorable family moment gave fans a glimpse into Burton’s amicable at-home life with his family.

Burton led a campaign to host Jeopardy that he launched in 2013 and fans were overjoyed when the Star Trek star was selected as one of the celebrity guest hosts earlier this year, the New York Times


“[Hosting Jeopardy] wasn’t even on my bucket list, because I never anticipated that it could possibly be a reality for me,” Burton told Entertainment Weekly in May. “And no matter what happens, I’m really proud of myself for daring to dream that dream, ultimately.”

Despite how elated he was to finally host one of his favorite game shows, Burton admitted he felt some pressure to perform well.

“This was a real challenge,” he told the Associated Press. “The pressure, the natural tendency was to want to live up to Alex’s example, his legacy. I came backstage after taping the first episode and I said to [my wife] Stephanie, ‘Well, how did I do?’”

When asked how his wife thought he did at hosting, “She said, ‘Ehhh,’” Burton recalled before adding how “really, really, really scary,” the experience was for him.

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