Early Boss Moves: 10 Ways to Become a Young Leader

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Many young professionals who start their new job are reserved and timid as they try to get a feel for where they fit in at a company. With concerns about overstepping their duties and being disliked by new co-workers, the confusion about how to properly go about showing your leaderships skills is understandable and Forbes list 10 ways to help you become a leader in the early stages of your career.

Prep yourself before entering the workforce: Before graduating college and accepting your first job in your career take advantage of internships and volunteer opportunities in your community that will help you hone your leadership skills. “If students have cultivated their leadership skills while in college or work in the field previously through internships or other experiences, they have more confidence

generally in their ability to handle situations,” Dr. Katherine Brooks, author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career tells Forbes.

Play close attention to the work culture: Listen and observe how your co-workers treat each other and be sure that you are aware of the job expectations that your boss has set out for you, says Brooks. Also, take note on the leadership and supervising style of your boss to get a better feel of what’s expected from you.

Identify areas where you can offer advice or help: Even as a newbie on the job you may discover that you have knowledge to offer to an older employer. Don’t be afraid to share what you know because not only will it show your leadership skills, but it can also benefit your co-worker who may be afraid to ask their boss for help. Also, be aware of the things that people complain about within a company and see if your unique perspective or skills can help fix a problem or make a situation better, Alexandra Levit, author of Blind Spots: The 10 Business Myths You Can’t Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success tells Forbes.

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