Kevin Hart’s Record-Breaking Funny Business – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
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Kevin Hart’s Record-Breaking Funny Business

Close to the Hart (Image: Press)

So have folks caught The Vapors and started treating you differently?

(Laughs) I don’t give them a chance to treat me differently. Of course, there are people around me who might offer to get me what I need; but I just know not to expect that all the time. You must always keep a level head and those around you will treat you [accordingly].

So who helps to keep you grounded?

There are about 11 people on my team that handle my digital media, writing partners, road manager and the like. Having the right team is extremely important because they keep me humble and make sure that none of this gets to my head.

How have you reinvented yourself as an actor?

I’m setting myself up to become a brand and my own personal enterprise. So maintaining a special relationship with my sponsors Ford and Jordan is important.

How important are endorsement deals and diversification?

It’s huge! You always want to reach the masses. [Endorsement deals] are so big because these are not your regular ads. Jordan hasn’t done this kind of deal since [they worked] with Spike Lee.

Is standup always going to be a part of your life?

For me, this is it. I don’t have any success without that.

You recently went through a pretty public divorce. How difficult is it to balance a relationship when you’re in the entertainment business?

As an actor and comedian, that’s what I signed up for. I can’t act like [my divorce] doesn’t exist. In this [industry], it’s all about damage control and dealing with things as they come. My divorce was a good process and I’m thankful for that. She’s the mother of my kids so we will never not get along. It’s a hard job raising kids. The main thing is that we remain in a positive relationship, and we have.

What’s the best money advice you’ve ever received? And what’s the worst?

I would say the best is “make sure you pay your taxes.” The worst advice was “wear a suit on stage.” I don’t…Ugh. No! I can’t do it! (Laughs)

So what advice would you offer for new comedians?

Give it your best, and go through with it if it’s truly your passion.

What’s your ultimate goal?

I’m trying to be groundbreaking for my time. Ultimately, I’d like to be remembered as one of the funniest guys who ever did it. I want to be one of the greats.

See the trailer for Kevin Hart’s Laugh at My Pain movie below.
Kevin Hart – Laugh at My Pain Trailer
Kevin Hart Comedians Stand-Up
