Join the International Day of the Girl Child Campaign on Oct. 11

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Abuse and discrimination against women and girls, both in the United States and around the world, still exists. So with a goal to address the various forms of abuse suffered by girls, “promote human rights, and highlight gender inequalities that persist between girls and boys,” the United Nations declared Sunday, Oct. 11, as the International Day of the Girl Child.

This year the theme is The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030. Through many studies and development programs in communities around the world, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has found that educating girls and women can lead to a number of benefits including, improved maternal health, reduced infant mortality and fertility rates to increased prevention against HIV and AIDS. Here are several ways you can get involved:

1. Participate in a Twitter Chat with CNN and Rani Hong, a child slave turned CEO of the Tronie Foundation. Hong is scheduled to discuss human trafficking and her story during a live chat on October 11 using the hashtag #cnnfreedom


[Related: International Women’s Day: Advocacy Group Honoring Global Female Leaders]

2. Join Girlup.org and celebrate your “Girl Hero” by giving a social media shoutout to the #GIRLHERO in your life to celebrate girl power everywhere. Together we can light up social media feeds with stories of girl heroes around the world. According to Girlup.org,  here’s how it works:

  • Select a girl who inspired you –Your #girlhero
  • Post a photo on social media, tag her and write why you think she is a #girlhero.
  • Rinse and repeat for the other girlhereos in your life.

3. Walk for Lasting Change or Help Spread the Word with CARE On Oct. 10. CARE CEO Michelle Nunn is scheduled to commemorate International Day of the Girl, while walking through the heart of Atlanta in solidarity with girls around the world. The event is free and open to the public.

4. Follow girls and women’s empowerment organizations on your social media platforms that are committed to empowering young girls, bridging the literacy gap between boys and girls, and ending the abuse for girls and young women. Here are a few organization actively informing their followers with #dayofthegirl updates:

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