How to Bring Out Your Inner Gangsta for the Job Hunt – Black Enterprise

How to Bring Out Your Inner Gangsta for the Job Hunt

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(Image: Thinkstock)

Once stereotyped as the lazy or entitled generation, new research shows that millennials are proving to be more motivated than their older peers when it comes to job searching. According to Snagajob, America’s largest hourly employment network for job seekers and employers, millennials are becoming more motivated in their job searches as well as applying for more jobs compared to their older counterparts. Over the past year, younger job seekers increased their job application by 6%, compared with over the age of 45, who applied for 9% fewer jobs.

Regardless if you’re a Baby Boomer, a member of Generation X or Y, check out these three tips on how to bring out your inner millennial during a job hunt.

Stay on top of your game.

According to this CareerBuilder survey, 79% of millennials are either actively searching for new jobs or are open to new opportunities, regardless of current employment status. While most millennials are almost always game for the next opportunity, they take their job-search process very seriously. Gen-Yers report that their search takes 28 weeks, on average, throughout which time they may consult up to 15 resources.

Utilize your social media savvy.

Generation Y is also more likely to communicate via social media than other generations. A Pew Research Center survey reported 75% of millennials have at least one social media profile, compared with 68% of Gen Xers and 30% of Baby Boomers. Millennials tend to adapt to (and be excited about) new technologies quicker than those of older generations.

Upgrade your online presence.

While some may criticize millennials for trading phone conversations for Facebook and Twitter, don’t underestimate the importance of your online presence. Jobvite’s research indicates 92% of companies in the United States use social networks and media to find talent this year. Today’s college grads are using new ways to up their online presence, including layering the use of keywords, along with SEO techniques on employment websites, blogs, online ads and social network engagement to boost their visibility in search engines.

Follow Jamie on Twitter @JayNHarrison.
