Jay-Z’s Team Roc Pens Open Letter to Department of Justice to Investigate Kansas City Police Department

(Image Credit: Instagram/AllThingsJayZ)

Last year in September, Jay-Z’s social justice group, Team Roc, filed a lawsuit against the police department in Kansas City, Kansas. Now, the team has ramped up its efforts by placing a little pressure on the Department of Justice in an open letter.

According to The Kansas City Star, Team Roc has partnered with the Kansas City-based Midwest Innocence Project to get the Department of Justice involved in investigating the alleged corruption within the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department (KCKPD).

An open letter in the New York Times demanded that the Department of Justice look into the corruption as “there is no excuse that can justify the DOJ’s silence.”

Team Roc stated that the Justice Department has not responded to a Dec. 20 letter that requested the agency to open a pattern-or-practice investigation into the police force.

“TEAM ROC and the Midwest Innocence Project demand that the Department of Justice (DOJ) intensify its investigation into vast claims of corruption, coercion, rape, and murder committed or

facilitated by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department (KCKPD). We are committed to holding these so-called public servants accountable for alleged rampant acts of brutality and exploitation and request a meeting with the DOJ to discuss our findings—findings we hope will move you to act. These allegations require the urgency that the Kansas City, Kansas community deserves.

“This is a critical time in and for our nation. The DOJ’s continued inaction tells targeted minority

communities held hostage to the whims of the carceral state that justice does not exist for them, that their lives do not matter.”

Team Roc also released a video pertaining to the allegations.

In September, Team Roc filed a lawsuit in the Wyandotte County District Court. It claims the department rejected repeated record requests involving officers from its investigative division accused of misconduct.

The lawsuit cites several reports of alleged misconduct to justify the request. This year,

one officer was reportedly charged with “buying sexual relations,” and last year, another was reportedly charged with sex crimes involving a minor.

Team Roc is advocating for reforms within police departments and correctional facilities across the country.

According to attorneys, Team Roc filed several requests “outside of the scope of personnel records” that will help the public better understand the department’s response to complaints about alleged misconduct and whether or not there is “sufficient oversight” for the department.

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